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Biggest Loser 12 Week 2 Recap with Courtney Crozier
The highlights from week two including the game's first temptation and meetings with Dr. H.
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This week starts off with Vinny singing in the kitchen to everyone when Alison walks in. (And just for the record, Vinny’s voice is amazing and I believe, after all is said and done and he gets his health back, he is going to make it HUGE in the music world!) Of course, whenever Alison walks in, you know something big is about to happen. She asks for three volunteers, one from each team, to follow her. They walk into a room FILLED to the brim with donuts. Here we go! A temptation in week two. When I went to the ranch, I told myself that I would NEVER participate in a temptation challenge simply because I firmly believe that as long as you do all that you can do every single week in the gym, when eating, and simply by bettering yourself daily, that things will always be as they should be. You can’t really fight fate even if you feel like you are in control of the “game” there, you never really are.
But two people, Mike and John, both chose to participate in this challenge. John won the challenge for his team by eating 37 donuts. I was SHOCKED!!! By winning this challenge, the black team was able to choose which “time slot” they wanted to work out this week as there would only be three times they could workout. One in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one late at night. The black team chose the early morning slot and gave the middle of the day time slot to the blue team and the late night time slot to the red team. No matter what time you work out, though, as long as you are moving and doing what you need to do for yourself, it really doesn’t matter the time of day. Just MOVE!
The workouts begin and are brutal as usual. Bob wakes his team up at 4am for their 5am workout and let me just say that Bob Harper is one funny man that early in the morning! He had me rolling! The black team, though, is having some issues with each other and Bob tells Sunny she needs to clear the air with John before it’s too late and it gets worse. John called Sunny “dumb as poo” and it upset her deeply. They all talked it out and Sunny accepts John’s apology and his apology seems sincere. It’s important to talk about issues and COMMUNICATE as a team if they are going to be able to stay as strong as they have been. I’m glad they were able to get it together.
Dr. Huizenga pays a visit to the ranch this week as well. Ramon’s evaluation really stuck out to me because he wrote down on his medical papers that he didn’t have any health problems. Dr. H shocks him though by telling him that he has high blood pressure, high cholesterol, AND diabetes. That’s like being stabbed in the heart for Ramon I’m sure. I know the feeling I had when Dr. H told me week two that even after I had lost over 100 pounds before the show, I still had 200 pounds of hydrated fat. I hope Ramon uses this news to fuel his fire this week rather than letting it hinder him.
Challenge time comes and this week looks like fun! It’s a big maze on a pool and the teams have to get the ball from one end of the maze to the other in the shortest amount of time. Whichever team does this gets a two-pound advantage. That’s HUGE in week two! The second place team gets a one-pound advantage which is also great. The red team goes first with a time of 7:45, which is incredible. The blue team is next and they do it in more 14 minutes putting them in last place at this point. The black team pulls out the win though by only three seconds with a time of 7:42! Talk about a close call! The black team receives a two-pound advantage and the red team gets a one-pound advantage.
During the weigh in, you can see the nerves within everyone. It’s the dreaded week two. The red team weighs in first with decent numbers. I was so proud of Courtney and Jessica both pulling sevens! Being not-so-huge girls, those are great numbers! I am SO happy for and proud of Ramon for losing nine pounds and letting the bad news he got about his health this week truly fuel his fire and do all that he needed to do. The red team lost 35 pounds total. The black team weighs in and they beat the red team by a few pounds. John alone lost 15 pounds which puts him at an over 50 pound loss in two weeks! I’m calling it now—he will beat Moses’ record of 100 pounds lost the fastest. Good job John! The blue team weighs in and only need to lose 23 pounds to beat the red team. They all have pretty low numbers and Johnny GAINS two pounds. He ultimately gets sent home but is doing great! He’s walking everywhere he goes and having a great time with his kids and grandkids! Great job Johnny! I wish you the very best.
Xo & Love to all,
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See more of Courtney at Weighing In with Suzy when you get SuperPass.
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i dont like the fact that they have grouped them by age. Clearly, the older people are going home first. It is unfair.
posted Sep 29th, 2011 7:25 amCourtney Crozier
LOL I need to talk about a lot in a short amount of time...not used to be limited on time at all!! :) Maybe next time I will turn purple...or AQUA! Hmmmm :)
posted Sep 28th, 2011 11:04 amWill
+Love the recap, but SLOW DOWN!!! I was waiting for you to turn purple and pass out :)
posted Sep 28th, 2011 8:46 amAnd you are looking happy and healthy!