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My Thank God its Friday Breakfast….

Challenger Cece9599 shares a simple recipe that gets her and her entire family out the door with a satisfying and healthy breakfast.

Good Morning DIR Family…. This morning was a quick breakfast, but good for you also. I made Peanut Butter and Banana Smoothie here it is… 1 cup of vanilla soy milk, 1 teas of natural peanut butter, 1 banana, 6 ices cubes and blend, pair it up with a whole wheat english muffin, and you are off and so are your kids. My husband is in law enforcement so he loves he can take it with him, and my oldest daughter is trying to watch her figure! [while dad watches the boys] Anyway, its good for you and easy. Have a blessed weekend and dont forget to watch your calories… Cece in norfolk va

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