Ada Wong Completes 200 Mile Ragnar Relay With Fat to Finish Line Documentary

Just this past week, Ragnar Florida Keys welcomed a unique team – a team that raced with losing on their minds.

Several months ago an unlikely team began to form as they prepared for this Ragnar Relay. Each of the team members had lost at least 100 pounds through running and lifestyle changes and would be followed by a film crew for a documentary titled “From Fat to Finish Line.”

Rik, Katie, Mary, Linda, Allison, Jennifer, Andrea, Meredith, Jen S., Lealah, John, and Ada all completed the 200-mile, overnight relay from Miami to Key West and they’ve already inspired so many before the documentary has even had a chance to be edited. They were featured on the Today Show and several other news sites upon their finish. We caught up with one team members Ada Wong, who many will remember as a finalist on Biggest Loser 10.

“I have to admit, it was much more challenging than I had anticipated. I wasn’t used to running in hot, humid weather. My legs felt like cinder blocks for most of the run,” recalls Ada about her recent triumph. “I wore capris and had a tan line within half an hour! I also wasn’t used to running, taking a break, running again, and not sleeping.”

Ada reported that she was always overweight, which was very odd for a young Asian girl. Between her time on the ranch and her Ragnar training, she’s lost 99 pounds and has become quite the athlete. She explained that she was able to keep up with her Ragnar training pretty easily because she was already training for a half Ironman, so the running was already built in.

Each member of the team ended up running about 20 miles total throughout the two-day, one-night event. Ada explained that the Florida climate and this sort of running was pretty tough.

She said, “…all in all, it was an awesome experience. I felt a rush of adrenaline every time the baton was passed to me. The end of the race was the ultimate highlight because we all came together to cross the finish line.”

Despite the challenging conditions, it seems there were no regrets. Wong said they’re all thinking about doing it again.

When asked about her current weight and maintenance, Wong admitted to wanting to get leaner and explained how she is currently working out.

“My normal regime is doing high intensity circuit training at FNS Training Center. I love it because in one hour I torch more calories than I would doing any other workout. I’ve also found that training at that intensity level has really helped my performance in whatever race I sign up for.“

Wong also stated that her battle with weight isn’t over, as she has to work at it every day. She’s got big goals to keep her on track this year, though, with a commitment to do a full Ironman in 2025. That’s one heck of a leap from a young girl struggling with her weight.

Ada will be chronicling her Ironman journey and people can follow her on Twitter at @adawong3.

The amazing story of Ada and her fellow Ragnar teammates will be released in a documentary later this year. Check out From Fat to Finish Line‘s website for more details.

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