Demi Moore Health Crisis Gets Worse with Whippit Use

Oh Demi! Has a series of bad or questionable decisions put her on the edge? Demi Moore, who put herself solidly into pop culture history with her appearance on the 1991 Vanity Fair Cover naked and very pregnant, has seemingly hit rock bottom.Demi Moore

Demi’s health has been in question for months now, as she appears to have been steadily losing weight since claims emerged of her estranged husband’s cheating ways.

Once known for her toned physique, she now looks like a shadow of her former self. To add insult to injury, she was recently hospitalized after a 911 caller reported she was semi-conscious after doing whippits.

Whippit is the street name for nitrous oxide contained in a small metal canister and usually used for recharging whipping cream cans in restaurants. The whippit charger is sold separately and users inhale it from the canister to receive a quick high.

The 911 caller, reportedly a friend, said that Demi has been going through a lot lately. On November 17 2025, she announced that after six years of marriage she was filing for divorce from her boytoy husband, Ashton Kutcher. In a statement she said: “It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I have decided to end my six-year marriage to Ashton. As a woman, a mother and a wife there are certain values and vows that I hold sacred, and it is in this spirit that I have chosen to move forward with my life.”

In happier days she and Ashton tweeted that they were jointly going on the Master Cleanse diet. The diet has been rumored to be followed by other Hollywood superstars like Beyonce, Gwyneth Paltrow and Naomi Campbell. According to Demi’s twitter, it’s not vanity as one of her followers suggested, “this is about health!!!”. However, most people who go on the diet do so for weight loss purposes.

We wondered why Demi would choose to use such an extreme measure to lose weight instead of opting for a nutritious diet and workout plan.

Going on the Master Cleanse diet isn’t the only questionable, health-related thing that she has done. She appeared on the The Late Show With David Letterman stating that she uses leeches to cleanse and detoxify. “These aren’t just swamp leeches. We’re talking about highly trained medical leeches,” she said during her appearance. “These are not just some low-level scavengers; we’re talking high-level blood-suckers.”

Although she hasn’t admitted it, there are rumors that prescription medication may also have played a part in her hospitalization and that her consistent use was one of the causes of her marriage collapse.

We wish the best for Demi and we hope that she can get herself straightened out, get the help she needs, and get back to being one of the healthy superstars.

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