Maruchy Lachance is president of Running Ninja!, a lifestyle brand for runners by runners. Running Ninja! offers a wide variety of apparel and gifts for runners to keep you happy and inspired while you’re on the run.
I am writing this on New Year’s Day 2025. Earlier this morning I read a post on Facebook from a friend who said he is celebrating 19 years of sobriety. I congratulate him and anyone else who has taken the necessary steps to regain their lives. I am sure you have heard that one of the key steps in conquering such challenges is to take things “one day at a time.” The same can be said when it comes to our fitness and nutritional goals.
Do not overwhelm or sabotage yourself by worrying about what you will do tomorrow or in the days, weeks and months ahead. Just concern yourself with exercising and making good food choices today.
As we start 2025 and it’s many expectations I not only share my friend’s resolve and accomplishment but also a wonderful quote by legendary Dallas Cowboys football coach Tom Landry that I will carry with me throughout this year, and many others. “Today you have 100 percent of your life left.”
Like the sentiment that we should take one day, one moment, one choice at a time, this quote further reminds us that every day is an opportunity to start over. It really does not matter how far away you are from your goals, nor how out of shape or overweight you may be. The cold hard fact is that you truly do have an opportunity to turn it around today just by making the decision to begin. Once you have made the decision you can assure your success by adopting the mindset that your overall good health and fitness is not about one resolution but to recommit yourself anew each morning.
So happy 2025 to you. Live it and commit to it one day at a time.
For more fitness inspiration from Maruchy Lachance check out:
Key to Maintaining Healthy Weight: Have a Plan
Lasting Weight Loss: Slow and Steady Wins the Race
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