Americans should be thrilled that Jamie Oliver has skipped the pond, but not everyone seems to be. After using one of his television series to reshape the school lunch program in the United Kingdom, the celebrity chef is coming stateside to help change what has been deemed the unhealthiest city in America, according to governmental surveys, in a new series on ABC called “Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution.” Huntington, West Virginia (population 50,000) has an adult obesity rate of 50% and leads the nation in incidences of diabetes and heart disease.
According to the video clip, Jamie has not undertaken an easy task, taking on a city where children are served pizza for breakfast at school and cannot identify tomatoes. The emotionality displayed by Oliver is convincing that he truly does care about the 50,000 people whose lives he is trying to save. Convincing others to make a change is tough work. It is not surprising that there is resistance from some of the adults of Huntingon. Jamie seems to employ some Dr. Phil-like methods to get people on board and educate the children. Helping people to change their habits is even more difficult. I look forward to seeing the changes Jamie is able to help this town make.
“I believe that every child in America has the right to fresh, nutritious school meals, and that every family deserves real, honest, wholesome food,” says Jamie via his Web site. “Too many people are being affected by what they eat. It’s time for a national revolution. America needs to stand up for better food!”
In addition to hosting at least 12 television series, which can be seen around the world, Jamie is a bestselling author of 10 cookbooks, which can be read in 29 different languages. He is the winner of TED’s 2025 annual award, the only annual TED award given. Oliver is committed to impacting how we nourish children around the world, not just in Huntington. You can learn more about Jamie’s efforts on his website and sign the petition about providing healthy food to our nation’s children, which he plans to take to President Obama after Food Revolution premiers.
We’ve signed. Have you?
Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution will premier Friday, March 26 on ABC. It is produced by Ryan Seacrest Productions and Fresh One Productions.
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