Jillian Michaels Promotes the NordicTrack Incline Trainer

With her recent endorsement of the NordicTrack Incline Trainer, Jillian Michaels’ fitness empire grows again. She’s probably the biggest name in fitness and training right now. She’s got that rare star quality that if she says it, people listen. And in this case, that’s good, because she truly is making a difference in the health of our country.

The new treadmill from NordicTrack inclines by 40 percent, allowing you to burn calories five times as fast as you would while walking on a regular treadmill. In the opening scenes of the Biggest Loser seven premiere, Jillian screamed “take a walk!”, simply wanting people to get up and move more. This treadmill will do just that, by allowing you to turn a walk into a serious calorie-burning workout.

“People don’t realize how many more calories they can burn by adding dramatic incline to a simple treadmill walk,” said Jillian. “NordicTrack has made it convenient for everyone to do incline training in their home and transform a walk into a workout.”

Unlike other treadmills, the NordicTrack Incliner can reach a 40 percent incline in 5 percent increments using the console’s simple 1-Touch control. Another unique feature are the iFit Workout Cards, which bring a Jillian Michaels workout directly to the user. The iFit cards are set to change the incline and speed, while the Incline Trainer’s speakers allow you to listen to Jillian’s voice as she gives her well-known tough love and encouragement. She’ll tell you to keep going, and alert when changes in the incline and speed are about to occur. There are four cards to choose from – Lose Weight, Get Fit, Power Walk and Boot Camp – and each is priced at $29.99. The NordicTrack Incliner is offered for the promotional rate of $1,599.

6 Responses to Jillian Michaels Promotes the NordicTrack Incline Trainer

jessice bratton says:

what is the highest weighted person that can walk on the nordic track incline trainer 40percent

jessice bratton says:

what is the max weight 4 this treadmill

Katie says:

I read that the max weight for this treadmill is about 250-300 pounds

Stephanie says:

I looked on the Nortic Track website, and the max weight is 300 lbs.

Archie Marie Jones says:

Juillan i love the way u be walk n on the treadmill u so pretty n u be walk n stroll n. WHEN I C U SAY N U GO GIRL WAKE THAT DAM TREDMILL. I GET SO EXCITED. U GO SISTER

Archie Marie Jones says:

U be on dat walk. I love it. God Bless u

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