Kardashian Marathon is Simon Doonan’s Appetite Suppressant

Stereotypes abound in fashion commentator Simon Doonan’s newest book, Gay Men Don’t Get Fat, but the message is far from being as judgmental as the title may sound. As I teased yesterday, I started my day by making a stop at Barneys for a reading by the author over a breakfast of berries, yogurt and granola. Doonan explains that using stereotypes is the best way to diffuse them, no matter what your body type.

gay men don't get fatDoonan certainly has some entertaining notions about diet, and recommends that you eat a balanced diet of straight and gay foods. Although the delicate French macaron (not to be confused with American macaroons) is the gayest food, sushi is a serious contender. “You’re taking big, sloppy bits of fish and making it into little bonbons,” explains Doonan. “That seems very gay to me.” Watch the video above for the full explanation.

“When it comes to food, I’m very much a lesbian,” said Doonan of his own eating habits. “I love brown rice and greens.” He explains that his love of healthy, whole foods comes from his childhood, when his mother described flour and sugar as “white death.”

You may not get the most medically sound diet advice from Doonan’s book, but you will be very entertained. Although Doonan describes himself as an outdoorsy type who in the 80s was enthralled by aerobics, laughter is the main calorie burning activity espoused by Gay Men Don’t Get Fat.

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