We love the insights shared by Carla Birnberg, our longtime friend behind the blog MizFitOnline.com. But if you’ve visited her site in the last week you’ve probably noticed that something seems… different. Her awesome writing about fitness, life, transformation, and inspiration is still there, but the site has a new design, a new logo, and for lack of a better word, a “softer” feel. The tagline of the site has changed to “Unapologetically Myself ” from “Fitness isn’t just about fitting in”, and a glance at the homepage reveals that Carla’s name is front and center while her MizFit skull and crossbones is a little more background.
What gives?
According to Birnberg, her blogging persona had outgrown her original branding.
“At the very beginning I did some prescriptive fitness on the site,” says Birnberg. When she launched MizFitOnline.com in 2025, many of her posts included specific workout tips and suggestions. But that quickly gave way to a much wider scope, with Birnberg doling out less advice on reps and more accounts of her own everyday struggles and successes. According to Birnberg, with this site update her branding is finally going to catch up with the direction her blog has been moving in for years.
“I exercise thirty minutes a day but that’s two-percent of my day,” says Birnberg. “Healthy living is the backdrop to what I do all day every day, but fitness is just a small part of it. My posts are really about mindful living.” Browse through previous blog entries and you might find her discussing the meaning of yoga, the joys of having a family, or gratitude. There’s some fitness in there, for sure, but it’s mixed in with the other topics.
By relaunching MizFitOnline.com (which can also be accessed via CarlaBirnberg.com) so that there’s more focus on her whole self, not just the MizFit part of her life, Birnberg has given herself room to grow. “People call me MizFit but I’m already integrating all facets of my life into my writing,” says Birnberg. “MizFit will always be an aspect of who I am but I’m ready to rip off the veil,” she says. “I’m giving myself the freedom to not feel pressure to tie everything back to fitness.”
According to Birnberg, this new, updated site is just an expression of the type of content she has always posted and a way of letting people know that she doesn’t eat and breathe only fitness. “This change is about being my whole self in my online persona—being unapologetically myself, versus a small slice of who I am,” says Birnberg. “I’m an intuitive exerciser, yes, but I also live intuitively. I blog about fitness, but more often than not my ‘workouts’ are ‘playouts‘ with my child. Fitness isn’t about fitting into anyone else’s idea of what it should be and neither is life!”
You can follow Carla Birnberg on Twitter at Carla_Birnberg.
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