MyTrak SlimCoach Replaces BodyBugg on Biggest Loser

Since Biggest Loser season six we’ve seen Biggest Loser contestants wearing a gadget on their forearms. It was a BodyBugg, and it tracked their calorie burn against their calorie consumption and helped them know precisely what they needed to do to meet their daily goals.

Look for a new gadget this season, the Biggest Loser SlimCoach from MyTrak. It’s far more simple and you can even be a bit more reactive to your progress during the day. Clip it on your clothes and it will track your movements in real time! It syncs with an online database that lets you see long-term progress to goal, which you set when you start your SlimCoach.

Want to know how you’re doing after breakfast, after lunch, or before bed? Simply press the “health circle” in the center of the SlimCoach and it will light up. A fully green circle means you met your daily goal; any percentage of red shows you there’s still work to do.

There’s no additional fee when you first buy your SlimCoach. Each purchase includes a one-year subscription to the online manager. There you can track your progress through interactive graphs. As well, The MYTRAK Online Health Community plugs you in directly with like-minded people who can offer support, motivation, and encouragement.

You hear it all the time, “calories in, calories out,” that’s how you achieve weight loss. If you’re already monitoring the calories that are going in with a food journal or other tracking app, why aren’t you tracking the calories that go out? The SlimCoach monitors your caloric burn through every movement you make, whether it’s walking toward 10,000 steps in a day or pushing yourself through a cardio workout.

SlimCoach is available in white and black. You’ll pay $129 for one SlimCoach with a one-year subscription. You’ll spend more than that on the BodyBugg alone; not to mention the online subscription.

If you’re trying to live the Biggest Loser lifestyle at home, the next step is a SlimCoach.

Order Yours at Amazon

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