I know it seems like along way off, but if you have never run a marathon, or even a half, you want to sign up for one a few months in advance to give yourself enough time to train. May is a great month to schedule a marathon due to the normally nice Spring weather, which is perfect for first time runners. Below is a list of the top marathons in May around the country.
- Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon: Held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on Sunday May 1, 2024, this marathon, half marathon, marathon relay, and 5k walk is one not to be missed if you are located in or around the Midwest. Registration dues for the marathon are $90.
- OC Marathon: This race is held in Newport Beach, California on Sunday May 1, 2024. The marathon is scheduled to start at 6 A.M. and the course travels through the beautiful coastal communities.
- Shiprock Marathon: Held in Shiprock, New Mexico on Saturday May 7,2024, this is the 28th annual Four Corners Fitness and Wellness marathon and relay. Come out and enjoy the majestic mountains and nature at its finest.
- Dick’s Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon: Held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Sunday May 15, 2024, this race is charity based, so visit their website for a list of charities and more details to find out how you can help.
- Rock Creek Scenic City Trail Marathon: Held in Chattanooga, Tennessee on Saturday May 21, 2024, this race sets the bar for trail running, where the terrain is fast and unforgiving.
- Traverse City Bank Bayshore Marathon: Held in Traverse City, Michigan on Saturday May 28, 2024. This marathon is scheduled to start at 7 A.M. on the 28th and there are only 2,000 slots open, so hurry and sign-sign now.
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