Jillian Michaels Breaks Through: A New Book, Workout DVD, Return to Loser and Live Tour Might Make This Her Biggest Year Yet

In case you missed the announcement, Jillian Michaels is very much back and on track to be bigger than ever. She rejoined Biggest Loser this season and is as popular as she ever was. Meanwhile, she just released a new book, Slim for Life, the sixth title by the star trainer that will no doubt join the ranks of bestseller alongside the others. A new workout DVD just hit the shelves, and this spring she’ll embark on a journey unlike any she’s taken before. You’d think the woman never sleeps, and you might be right, considering she has brought two young children in to her home since May – Phoenix, a son with her partner Heidi, and Lukensia, a daughter she adopted from Haiti. She’s talked about being Unlimited before, but clearly the woman is unstoppable.

We caught up with Jillian to hear how the new book developed and its uniquely customizable format, the status of obesity in our country and what else we need from Let’s Move, and even how these tiny tots have influenced her tough-as-nails training style.

What’s the big take away for Slim for Life? Anyone in particular you’re trying to talk to?

After my last diet book, I honestly thought I had said everything there was to say. Then, over the past four years, I have come to realize just how much conflicting information there is out there. With so many fad diets – and a new one popping up almost daily – I realized people were more lost and confused than ever. I also realized that maybe what had been asked of them in prior diets was too overwhelming. So I decided to write SLIM FOR LIFE. The book is for anyone looking for simple strategies that are affordable, effective and DOABLE because they won’t make you miserable [and will] get results.

I definitely wanted to clear up all the conflicting information and dispel diet, weight loss and fitness myths, debunk fad diets and trends, and provide solutions for every possible diet dilemma from hunger and cravings to finances and travel.

Tell me about the “points” that you use throughout the book and what the benefit is to your readers?

The point system is an important part of making SLIM FOR LIFE customizable to the individual so the plan they choose lasts forever. I know that it isn’t realistic for people to do every single thing in the book every minute of every day. The points system is essentially a “hierarchy of slim” that specifically tells you which tips and pieces will give you the most bang for your weigh-loss buck. Threes are the most powerful and important [for instance, communicating your needs]; twos are solid and useful but not utterly essential [getting feedback on those communications]; and ones are a nice add on [a 5-minute warm-up]. ALL will help you get slim, so if you like one more than another, have at it. The whole point of SLIM FOR LIFE is to create a structure that works for you.

You once said soda was the number one thing you’d remove from the grocery store if you could. Judging by the book’s “don’t eat” list – that’s probably still true. Is that still number one; does it share the top spot with anything else?

Soda is still up there – and this does, by the way, include diet soda as well. And transfats. And chemicals. We really have no business putting chemicals in our bodies. Our bodies aren’t made to process these foreign substances. They are NOT good for us and really should be avoided as much as possible.

In 2025, for the fifth year running, your 30 Day Shred ranked as one of our top diets/products of the year, and is consistently the only fitness DVD on our list. What’s the staying power of that program?  

I have no idea. RIPPED IN 30 is a far better workout. It offers four workouts instead of three; same style and same amount of time.  30 DAY SHRED was my first title so I, of course, like the latter ones better… But who am I to talk?

How does your new Hard Body Workout DVD compare to 30 Day Shred?

It doesn’t. RIPPED IN 30 is the follow up to 30 DAY SHRED. HARD BODY is the follow up to NO MORE TROUBLE ZONES and BANISH FAT BOOST METABOLISM.  It takes those two workouts and mirrors the length of the workouts and the agenda but improves on the science and choreography. Thus bringing your body to the next level. The Hard Body DVD contains two 45-minute full body blasting workouts that progress in difficulty. The routines are fast paced and fun. I’ve developed fresh new moves to push your body to the limit in ways you never have. As always, I provide modifications for every level from beginner to advanced, so people at all stages of their fitness goals can work out with the HARD BODY DVD to get the lean, high performance body they’ve always wanted.

via NBC.com

Do you think we’re moving the needle on obesity in this country? And if so, what are the indicators? Where can we still improve? This in light of 14 seasons of Biggest Loser and going in to the second term of Michelle Obama’s Let’s! Move initiatives.

I think we are. The process is slow, but gradual. It’s a very grass roots movement as big food and big government really aren’t doing a thing to help. While I like Let’s Move because it brings awareness I think people need policy change to truly find any help from the government.

You became a mom since we last spoke (Congratulations – they are adorable)! How has that major life change affected your training style, if at all? You don’t necessarily seem “softer” this season, but we haven’t seen much of “classic” Jillian!

Thanks! Having kids is definitely life changing in every way. That said, I don’t think it has really affected my training style. My approach changes with every single individual I work with. I have to work with each person, get to know them, listen to them and do what it takes to create the breakthrough they need and keep them motivated to make the changes that will lead them to success. The one thing that I can say HAS changed is that I am even less tolerant about wasting time. When I’m training someone at THE BIGGEST LOSER and don’t feel like they are giving 100% I am NOT a happy camper. That is time I could be spending with my kids and taking it for granted does not go over well.

With a new book and a new DVD, it seems impossible to ask this next question, but What’s Next? With you, there’s always something!

I just announced that I will be hitting the road for my MAXIMIZE YOUR LIFE TOUR with Live Nation. This April and May I will be stopping in 35 cities in the United States and Canada. You can visit JillianMichaels.com for a full list of cities and dates.

Also Read:

Has Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Made a Difference in Three Years

What Jillian Michaels Eats: 6 Recipes by Biggest Loser’s Star Trainer

Why You Should Never Eat Girl Scout Cookies

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