Get ready to jump over to Twitter: On Tuesday, March 25, 2025, from 1-2 p.m., ET, we’ll be joining ABC News and ABC News’ chief health and medical editor Dr. Richard Besser for a live tweet chat called “Feeding Your Kids the Right Way: First 5 Years of Life.”
On tap for discussion: everything from breast feeding to a vegetarian diet for children to the importance of organics to dieting for young children.
Have questions or opinions you’d like to share? It’s easy to join:
Step 1: Go to Twitter
Step 2: Search for the hashtag #abcDRBchat
Step 3: Follow the conversation or chime in when you’ve got something to add!
HINT: Following the tweet chat is even easier if you go to, sign into twitter and enter the #abcDRBchat hashtag. A box will pop up that only includes tweets from the chat. And when you have something to say, the hashtag will automatically be added to your tweet.
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