The Equipment-Free Workout: No Equipment, No Worries

Stuck at home or really just don’t feel like hitting the gym or health club? Well, some of the simplest and most beneficial workouts can be done with no exercise equipment whatsoever.

Take running for example; I strongly believe it is the best exercise for the body and it requires almost nothing, short of a good pair of running shoes. Obviously, if you are trying to increase muscle mass you need to use some sort of weight to challenge each of the muscle groups. But, if you are looking to “tone-up” or simply lose weight, below is the perfect equipment-free workout that you can do at home, at the office or on the road. And it is FREE! What’s better than free? Nothing!

Benefits of the Equipment-Free Workout:

  1. Improve stamina
  2. Decrease obesity
  3. Decrease risk of heart disease
  4. Decrease risk of diabetes
  5. Improve circulation
  6. Increase muscular endurance
  7. Improve sleep
  8. Increase energy levels
  9. Reduce stress
  10. Reduce high blood pressure

Each exercise below is designed to target a certain muscle group while increasing the heart rate. By keeping the heart rate up, you will burn an enormous amount of calories all while improving your muscular strength and endurance. If you are not able to perform a certain exercise, simply just move to the next one.

I recommend beginning and ending the routine with a ten-minute jog (in place) and hitting two sets of 20 repetitions of each exercise. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions. Good luck!

The Equipment-Free Workout:

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