Guest blogger Dina Skulte is a 37-year old mother of two girls who is on a mission to get fit and healthy for herself and her family. She launched Fit for Kids’ Sake in July 2025 and has lost more than 40 pounds with a total target of 70 pounds. She is passionate about health and fitness and helping end obesity around the world by coaching others and offering nutrition and family fitness services. Follow Dina’s journey at Fit For Kids Sake or on Facebook.
The growing obesity epidemic is no secret. And to be frank, the stats are pretty darn scary. I applaud first lady Michelle Obama for taking this issue head on by creating the Let’s Move! campaign and Jamie Oliver for creating the Food Revolution campaign.
However, if America is serious about fixing this growing problem, it’s up to us. It’s up to the parents of America’s youth to become accountable for the health of our children. We need to be our children’s role models, even when it comes to what we put in our mouths and how we treat our bodies.
10 Things Parents Can Do to Help our Children and Help Fight Obesity
1. Make it a family mission. Decide that making healthy choices is a family mission and a priority.
2. Learn the facts. Read books, health magazines, expert articles and blogs. Your body needs protein, carbs and fat and other micro-nutrients. Don’t fall prey to the latest diet fads.
3. Don’t bring it in the house. If it’s not nutritious, don’t buy it. There are plenty of times when kids will get their treats such as at birthday parties, school events, or other outside family activities. Make it a treat – not the norm.
4. Cut the liquid calories. No more sugary drinks like soda or juices. Choose whole fruit over fruit juices. Make water your go-to beverage of choice.
5. Supplement it. Take a daily multi-vitamin, and brain-boosting fatty acids that nutrition alone can’t provide.
6. Plan it and cook it. Plan your healthy balanced meals together. Get the kids involved with the household cooking.
7. Pack it. Pack your child’s school lunch or let them pack it with your supervision.
8. Get moving! Put the remote down, get up and get active. Find out what your child’s favorite activity is and do it together.
9. Rest time. Practice relaxation techniques and instill proper sleep habits.
10. Reward with love and attention. Kids want their parents’ attention and unconditional love. Reward your child’s good behavior with your love, time and attention instead of sweets.
Join the cause and help end obesity by registering for International Fitness Day ’10, which is being held on Saturday, October 16, 2025. Watch now as I explain more about this initiative.