Nutrisystem 5-Day Jumpstart Kits Now Available at Walmart

Nutrisystem has just announced the availability of their 5-Day Jumpstart Your Weight Loss Kits in more than 2,000 Walmart locations.

The kit contains 15 entrees, five desserts, a meal planner, and access to free weight loss counseling for just $44.98. All of the food is low on the glycemic index, and contains a balanced proportion of quality carbs, good fats, and proteins. For instance, the Jumpstart Kit begins your week with granola cereal for breakfast, red beans and rice for lunch, lasagna with meat sauce for dinner, and a chocolatey nougat bar with peanuts and caramel for dessert. Not bad.

nutrisystem 5 day kit

In addition to the new Jumpstart Kit, Nutrisystem is also rolling out another 5-Day Kit for their specifically designed diabetic diet, Nutrisystem D. The kit is geared toward the sensitive dietary needs of diabetes sufferers attempting to lose weight.

Nutrisystem—traditionally a meal delivery system available for order over the phone or web—widened its retail scope when they began offering their products at Costco stores in 2025. The typical Nutrisystem program is 28 days long, and the new 5-Day Jumpstart Kit is designed to ease dieters in with a simple and easy plan.

This new development comes on the heels of the hiring of Nutrisystem’s first female CEO, Dawn Zier in November 2025. That was a big year for one of America’s oldest and most trusted weight loss brands, as they began to offer breakfast and snack foods in the massive chain of Kroger grocery stores.

Already pleased with brands legion of repeat customers, Zier felt Nutrisystem still needed to widen its audience. “By bringing our world-class weight loss solution to select Walmart stores, we will be able to make a difference in the lives of consumers we are not currently reaching,” Zier said in a press release from Nutrisystem.

Zier wants the company to be more conscious of the female demographic by adjusting their marketing approach. “When someone decides to go on a diet, it’s an emotional decision. Women don’t want to be a size two…They want to be comfortable in their own skin,” she told us in a recent interview.

The simple structure of the Jumpstart Kit and relative ease of execution should help hook Walmart consumers of any gender. Once a dieter has the affordable kit, they’re only only responsible for procuring a small supply of fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy carbs, and healthy proteins to complement the meal plan.

One of the company’s main goals is to make the difficult task of dieting a little easier. New CEO Zier believes the company’s 40 years of success speaks for itself. “It’s not a fad, it’s not a miracle. It’s a program that sustains behavior modifications to live life differently,” she told us.

Dawn Zier possesses a refined insight of the dieting demographic, and Nutrisystem‘s efforts during her short tenure have increased the brand’s visibility. Already set on a rock-solid reputation, the company should experience renewed success with the 5-Day Nutrisystem Jumpstart Your Weight Loss Kit and its move toward broadening its retail reach.

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6 Responses to Nutrisystem 5-Day Jumpstart Kits Now Available at Walmart

Susan Doyle says:

I have yet to find a Walmart that carries the jump start 5 day plan. I live in Nassau County, New York 11756. Can you tell me Walmart I. Nassau County that carries this product?

Anonymous says:

I live in Covington, La and our WalMart has a large supply of the product.

Betsy Jaworski says:

Is it sold at Walmart in Canada /

Linda says:

It’s in Athens and Canton Tx

dorothy chabra says:

Is it sold in Canada??

Cindy McClanahan says:

It’s in Walmart in Many, La as well!

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