Ruby Recap Season 3 Episode 10: Ruby Fires Back

This week on Ruby, she discusses her fears of not being able to protect herself after news of various crimes in her area. After the discussion with her friends, Ruby decides to take action.

Ruby’s friend Georgia took her to a shooting range. At first, Ruby was not exactly a natural. She was asking silly questions, and was overly worried about everything. But, then Ruby started getting competitive about the target practice. She also got a little deja vu at the shooting range. She felt like she had done it before.

This week’s “Women’s Fat Night” examined dysfunctional families. Jeff and Jim attended the meeting to help in a role playing exercise. The general idea was that people in dysfunctional families seek outsiders, or their “family of choice,” to fill the needs not being met in their real family.

Denial was a major problem with Ruby in the meeting, as she actually said that she thought that she didn’t eat too much, because she didn’t eat any more than the people around her.

The show resumed Ruby’s concerns about self-defense. After finding that guns weren’t for her, Ruby looked into a self-defense class. She consulted with a teacher, and decided it was something she wanted to pursue.

Dr. Jane held another session with Ruby, Eric, and Georgia, so they could talk more about the issue of them being enablers for Ruby. But, it didn’t seem that there was much agreement on the signs of enabling.

They also discussed Ruby’s fears of a criminal attacking her, and how her weight limits her ability to protect herself. So, she attends her first self-defense class with her friend Julie. Ruby didn’t know her own strength, as she almost made Julie pass out during her strangle hold. Ruby took her new defense moves home, and showed her guy friends how they can protect themselves.

When Ruby stepped on the scale, once again she saw her weight go up. So, she took her frustrations out by going to her gym for a session with her personal trainer. She brought her friends from “Women’s Fat Night” to join her in the workout.

Ruby also decided to take part in a six-day intensive treatment as a way to step up her efforts to break through her plateau. It meant getting away from her friends for the entire duration.

Georgia, Julie, and Ruby had their “last supper” before their six-day retreat. While the other women ordered steaks and fried green tomatoes, Ruby ordered a salad.

At the retreat, the women are supposed to examine what may be driving their eating disorders. They are also getting a type of detox, since they are removing everything, from cell phones to candy. The women immediately resisted the rules. And, we see from the previews for next week, the emotions boil to the top.

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