Top 10 Reasons We Fail at Dieting

Have you recently started a weight loss plan, and want to make sure you succeed? Then heed the warning in these ten reasons we typically fail diets. These are the most common pitfalls standing between you and a new pair of skinny jeans, or simply feeling healthier. disappointed-dieter

1. Not exercising enough — It’s a simple matter of calories in and calories out. If you consume more calories than you burn during the day you’ll have difficulty losing weight and will likely gain weight.

2. Feel metabolism is slowing down — The older you get the harder it becomes to lose weight. That’s why it is very important to start a healthy routine at an early age and maintain it throughout your life.

3. Splurge too often on favorite foods — It’s okay to have you favorite food every once in a while, but it should be a treat happening once every other week or month rather than every other day.

4. Lack self-discipline — Weight loss and maintenance is all about having self-control and being disciplined day-in and day-out. Slipping up on a diet is very likely so don’t beat yourself up, however it’s important to get back on track the next time you eat rather then the next day.

5. Snack too often — If you are not careful and snack too often you can consume hundreds of unneeded calories.  Plan ahead, know when you get hungry and plan meals and healthy snacks accordingly.

6. Overeating at meals — Listen to your body and take your time while eating. Allow the time your body needs to know it has eaten enough rather then scarfing food down as fast you can without knowing you’re full, which will often leave you full and miserable.

7. Emotional eating — It’s important to eat when you’re hungry, not because you’re sad, lonely, or happy. Celebration eating should only take place when you are hungry, don’t eat simply because others around you are.

8. Eat too many high-fat foods — High fat normally means high in calories, too! Remember the calories in and calories out rule.

9. Not making the healthiest food selection — Eating fried, sauce or dressing rich foods will add some serious calories. When you eat out, have an idea of where you are going and what the healthier options are. Also, remember that eating out and grocery shopping should never take place when you are starving; being starved tends to lead to impulse buying and fatty food selections.

10. Only watching fat, not calories — Or vice versa. It’s important to look at the big picture with eating. The more nutrient dense whole foods you eat, typically the better you’ll be.

Source: American Dietetics Association

2 Responses to Top 10 Reasons We Fail at Dieting

Daniel M. says:

First of all Kinsey, I’d like to say that you are ridiculously pretty.
Secondly, I’m trying to convert to vegetarianism, but find it hard because none of my friends or family feels the same way I do, and at gatherings, no vegetarian option is available. How do I let them know my plan without alienating them (they associate vegetarianism with being a hippie).


Kinsey says:

Thanks Daniel. As far as becoming vegetarian it’s just going to become a matter of time and discipline for you and your family & friends to achieve it. I encourage you to continue on this journey and educate your family & friends as you go. You could provide them with details about why you are doing it, the health benefits associated with it, and how they should maybe branch out and try some of the improved meat alternative products that are out today. Bring vegetarian dishes with you to gatherings. This will provide you with food to eat as well as give them something new to try. Remember to stay consistent. By staying consistent your family and friends will see how serious and important this is to you. My family still jokes around with me over my healthier food choices (being from the south, they like their food!), but at the same time they will call me and tell me about a healthy café they ate at and how much I would have enjoyed it. They’ll come around, but remember to stay focused on you because you are doing it for yourself…you don’t need their approval!

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