Parsley May Help Prevent or Slow the Growth of Breast Cancer

A lot of people consider parsley to be no more than an annoying garnish on your dinner plate, but a recent study from researchers at the University of Missouri reported recently that the seemingly innocuous herb may contain properties that prevent certain breast cancer cells from spreading or growing.

In this study, researchers exposed rats with a certain type of breast cancer to a common compound called apigenin, which is found in parsley, along with other plant products. They found the rats that were exposed to this compound developed fewer tumors and experienced a delay in tumor formation.

According to, apigenin is most prevalent in parsley and celery, but can also be found in apples, oranges, nuts and other plant products. Researchers believe these findings could impact women with breast cancer as well as women on certain hormone replacement therapies.

“It appears that keeping a minimal level of apigenin in the bloodstream is important to delay the onset of breast cancer,” Salman Hyder, the Zalk Endowed Professor in Tumor Angiogenesis and professor of biomedical sciences in the College of Veterinary Medicine and the Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center said in a news release about the study. “It’s probably a good idea to eat a little parsley and some fruit every day to ensure the minimal amount.”

While there is still further research needed to confirm the results of this study, there are some delicious ways that women can incorporate more parsley into their diet:

Pan Seared Halibut with Quinoa & Parsley Vinaigrette

Parsley Hummus

Parsley Cheese Ball

Parsley Vegetable Soup

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