Cool Low-Calorie Family Treats for Summer

Summer time is here in the Northern Hemisphere, and at least in my area, that means hot and humid weather. Spending any length of time outside almost immediately puts me into the mood for Popsicles, ice cream and other frozen treats.

But those treats can wreck havoc on your diet. After all, who wants to run an hour and then negate the caloric burn with a bowl of ice cream that could top more than 750 calories? Here are some lower calorie, icy treats that won’t break your calorie bank and can leave you feeling cool and refreshed:

  • Frozen grapes are a delicious, slushy treat that defrost almost instantly in your mouth
  • Frozen bananas (peel first!) make a smooth and creamy treat that tastes remarkably cream-filled. Allow to defrost slightly and whir in a food processor until smooth. Add frozen berries for tasty change. The longer the fruit is whirred, the lighter and fluffier the texture.
  • If you really must have a Popsicle, it’s actually not a bad choice  as most of them are relatively low in calories. For an even healthier treat, freeze 100% juice into Popsicle molds.
  • If you freeze juice into small containers, you can grate it for a yummy, no-fat Icee
  • Weight Watchers, Blue Bunny and even Breyer’s make a variety of delicious low-fat ice cream treats. Many are in the 100-200 calorie range and can fit into your diet. Single serving sizes are portion controlled, making it easier to avoid overindulging.
  • Many yogurt stands now offer non-fat and no-sugar added versions. Be sure to check the label and stay within the serving size

Also Read:

11 Unique Summer Popsicle Ideas

Finish Summer Strong with a Beach Ball Workout

GMO-Free Snacks for Summer

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