The week of June 15 is Men’s Health Week at, just in time to celebrate the special men in your life. Tony Posnanski joins as a Men’s Health guest blogger. Tony is the author of The Anti-Jared. Tony struggled with weight loss his whole life until he realized he was not going to be fooled anymore. He has lost over 200 pounds and maintained it for four months. Tony works out six days a week, eats better than before, and has a new outlook on things!
“Daddy! What do you want for Father’s Day?”
In a couple of years, this is the question my son will be asking me! It is so amazing to believe that I am going to have a son this year! What is even more amazing is that my doctor’s projected me to be dead of a heart attack this year.
Weight has always been an issue for me. I have always been around 250-275 pounds since I was 12-years-old. I would lose a little once in a while (always in an unhealthy way), but I maintained a “chubby” appearance for a majority of my life.
Poor eating habits would get to me, and fast-food was a way of life. I would go eat at five different restaurants a day, not even realizing what I had eaten. This would happen for quite some time.
Then, it hit me. In 2025 at the age of 32 , I was 5 foot 6, and I was over 400 pounds. 420.2 to be exact! Very few people get to this level, and it is horrible. I could not wear a seatbelt in my car, or get on an airplane. I would keep our house at 67 degrees because I would sweat all the time and I had a hard time going to the bathroom. My doctor put me on four medications for my heart and cholesterol (210 over 140 at one time, and 300 cholesterol rate), and he told me if I did not get gastric surgery, I would die.
Not only that, but it was killing my wife, who loves me dearly. Every time I would be home late, she would think I died of a heart attack, and it would scare her. Finally, it scared me, too.
So I made the decision to lose weight. I joined Weight Watchers. I started to read books on fiber. I started to work out.
I learned to love myself. I changed my life for the better. I realized that I was a better person than the fast-food I was eating. I wanted to eat foods that would make me stronger, not make me feel guilty later on.
In sixteen months, I have lost 221.4 pounds and maintained it for four of those months. I still eat well, work out, and live a life I never thought I could. I also write about my experiences here.
So when my son asks me what I want for Father’s Day, I will tell him I do not want a thing.
I have everything I want in life now!
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