Stay Fit with a Boxing Workout

boxerBoxing is becoming more and more popular these days due to the fact that it is not only fun, but rewarding. I went to a gym in Pasadena, California yesterday and the layout of the gym was centered around a boxing ring and punching bags. I was stunned to find out that the majority of the gym’s members only showed up to take a boxing fitness class or to spar with a trainer.

So what did I do? I got in the ring and went a couple rounds with a trainer! I am not that into fitness classes or anything like that, but what a workout. I do the usual weights and cardio and then move on with my day.

Boxing not only increases the heart rate, but helps you learn proper technique, speed, power, balance, stability, and overall endurance. I totally recommend giving it a shot if you have never done so. Below is a sample workout from one the boxing classes. Good luck!!

Warm Up:

100 jump rope with both legs

100 jump rope each leg (total of 200)

3 minute side shuffle back and forth across gym

30 seconds of jabbing (both left and right)

30 seconds of hooking (both left and right)

30 seconds of upper-cuts (both left and right)

3 minute side shuffle back and forth across gym

100 jump rope with both legs

100 jump rope each leg (total of 200)

Core training (at least 300 crunches)

Rest and repeat!!

Also check out The Muhammed Ali Workout

One Response to Stay Fit with a Boxing Workout

Carmen says:

I train Muay Thai, and I can attest that the benefits are amazing. I’m exhausted, drenched and VERY SORE at the end of every class – and I LOVE it. Bruises and all 😉

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