The Best Workouts For Moms: Options for Every Type of Exerciser


Mother’s Day has come and gone, but I’m of the opinion that we should always celebrate moms. After all, mothers work harder than most of us—changing diapers, packing lunches, checking homework, and doing whatever else needs doing. And sometimes, if they’re lucky, moms make time to work out, giving themselves that same sort of TLC they traditionally dole out on others. What are the best ways for moms to get in shape? I’m glad you asked! 
prenatal yoga

Prenatal Workouts
Doctors say pre-baby fitness is a good thing for mother and child. Classes like Fit4Baby and prenatal yoga are designed to increase energy during pregnancy and reduce regular maternal aches. Many women say the classes actually ease labor and the recovery process, plus they connect you with a network of expecting women just like you. Sounds perfect!

stroller jog

Stroller Workouts
Classes like Stroller Strides teach new moms a chance to exercise with baby while pushing the stoller for added resistance. But even if you aren’t near a class you can do this type of workout on your own: simply speed walk, jog, or full on run while pushing your babe in the stroller, working in intervals and cardio strength moves like walking lunges as you go.


stroller run

Mom and Baby Boot Camp
This class is similar to a basic jaunt with a stroller, just a little more intense. Based on Ariane Hundt’s Brooklyn Bridge Boot Camp, the Baby Does Boot Camp class focuses on moms, combining jogging with strengthening exercises to tone arms, abs, and glutes. This class is a fun and healthy way to get stronger and drop any extra post-baby pounds, all while keeping your little one next to you in the stroller.


mom yoga

Mom and Baby Mind-Body Workouts
There are various Pilates and yoga classes for new mothers who want to combine working out with motherhood. Pilates classes are awesome because there is a lot of interaction between mother and child, rather than simply pushing a stroller. Mama Pilates focuses on breathing exercises and standing work with the babies. Adorable, and a great way to get fit.

Of course, many gyms also offer childcare services. So if you would rather have solo time during your workout, investigate nearby studios and clubs that offer on-site babysitting. Because the best way to take care of your family is to take care of yourself!

Also Read: 

Running with a Jogging Stroller Provides a Greater Calorie Burn

Saturday Morning Drills: Fit in 5 Mommy Workout

Fitter Moms Have an Opportunity to be Better Moms

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