It’s OK to Take Your Stomach on Vacation

Josie Maurer, creator of, spreads the message of finding balance between fitness and your greedy side. She lost over 40 pounds after the birth of her fourth child through sensible eating and exercise, yet she still maintains her love for large slices of cake.

Pack those bags and drop the dog at the kennel. It’s vacation time, baby! But please don’t leave your stomach at home. As vacation eating draws near you may experience a rapid heartbeat and sweaty palms from the mere thought of fast food on flights, beautiful buffets, and poolside martinis. Those calories can add up, but there is a silver lining.

You don’t have to feel like you’re vacationing inside a pressure cooker from the stress of food temptations. Stuffing your stomach way past full is obviously not recommended. With a routine of good eating habits at home, uncontrolled eating on vacation will only leave you bloated, lethargic, and in search of Alka Seltzer. But it’s your vacation. You earned it. And that food is looking good.

Give yourself permission to enjoy the perks of a summer getaway. Make the decision to indulge sensibly. Loosen up on your normal restrictions and free yourself to enjoy the foods you love – eat intuitively. This is not to say you should ditch every good habit you’ve established, like drinking water instead of soda and including fruits and vegetables with your meals, but special occasions like this shouldn’t be cluttered with the stress of tracking, measuring, and calorie counting. Your weight loss journey will not be doomed if the scale is up a pound or two when you get home.

Unless you’re on a weight loss retreat, the focal point of your vacation is not the quest for a slim waistline. It’s about taking a break, relaxing, and spending quality time with family and friends – so do that. Enjoy your time off and bring home awesome memories, but if you happen to bring back a few extra pounds with it, you can whittle that back down. Now, go have a great vacation!

Also Read:

Intuitive Eating Puts the Dieter in Charge

5 Ways to Recover Your Diet

How to Avoid a Nutrition Vacation

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