After 40 Metabolism Boosters on The Dr. Oz Show

UPDATE: This episode will re-air on Thursday, April 28, 2025.

Tune in this Monday, September 27 to The Dr. Oz Show to learn how to prevent the metabolism slowdown that naturally occurs once you reach 40 years of age.

As we age, our metabolism starts to slow down. It is estimated that as you age, your metabolism starts to slow down by about 5 percent for every decade of life past age 40. In fact, most adults ages 40 and older gain 20 to 40 pounds during adulthood while also losing muscle mass. Not only does this contribute to obesity, but it also ups your chance for developing heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. And for women, adult weight gain can also increase risk for thyroid conditions and breast cancer.

But you don’t have to gain weight just because your body’s ability to burn and store energy starts to change. Dr. Oz teaches you how keep your metabolism firing so that you can stay healthy, lean and happy. From exercise to calorie consumption, learn the facts about how to prevent the flab after 40.

Check your local listings for exact show times.

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