Candice Ball Lost 41 Pounds with P90X and Insanity

This week’s inspiring true weight loss story comes from Candice Ball of New York City who lost more than 40 pounds after deciding she’d put health on the back burner for long enough. Candice had struggled with her weight for the majority of her life, but in 2025 she came to the realization that she had to get healthy. “I’ve struggled with weight basically all my life,” she said. “I was not eating healthy…I was addicted to an unhealthy lifestyle.”

At her heaviest, Candice weighed 174 pounds. Her adorable puppy, Toshi, who is a professional pet actor and model, was one factor that triggered her weight loss journey. “I was embarrassed that I made sure my dog was well taken care of, but I wasn’t.”

Another factor that helped Candice finally decide to lose the weight was a run-in with an old flame. “I ran into someone I really cared for many years ago and I felt awkward, him seeing me the way I looked. I was always active when I was with that person,” she said. “Then I just let myself go.”

In December of last year, Candice started doing P90x2 and within two weeks, she dropped 17 pounds. After she finished the program she continued to follow a food plan and added Insanity to her workout routine. Candice’s initial goal weight was 140 pounds, but she surpassed that mark and is currently thrilled to be 133 pounds.

Even though Candice met her weight goal, she still continues to workout and eat healthy. Her exercises consist of circuit training, P90x2, running, martial arts, and riding horses. “Anything to keep me moving and not in the same routine,” she said.

One of the ways Candice keeps her new lifestyle on track is by keeping a food diary. “I manage my food intake. I write everything down that I eat no matter how insignificant. It all adds up,” she said.

Studies have shown that a food diary can help with both weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight. However, a food diary isn’t the only thing helping Candice stay healthy. In addition to drinking at least her body weight in water every day, she also makes  a concerted effort to enjoy the little things in life, laugh as much as possible, and not let the little things bring her down.

For those who may be struggling with their health or their weight, Candice offers this word of encouragement: “Take it one day at a time. Set small manageable goals and don’t give into temptation. After a few weeks, you’ll see the change and will feel better and want to keep going. Hang in there,” she said. “You’re not alone!”

Most people in the U.S. wrestle with their health, and new studies estimate that close to 40 percent are obese. However, Candice’s story proves that if people struggling with their weight stick to being activite and eating a healthy diet, they too can inspire a true weight loss story.

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