Similac Recall Affects Millions

Similac Recall

UPDATE: If you’re still having trouble contacting Similac, join the rest of us. Luckily, we’ve tracked down the following lot numbers that seem to be on the recall list: 66128RB6, 61251 RB6,
61347RB, 84314 RB, 85454 T2, 86580 T20, 88137T20, 90372T20, 87932T20, 88136T20, 91433t20

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2025 Abbott Laboratories, Inc. has issued a voluntary recall of nearly 5 million Similac products. Have you been affected by this recall? For most of us, there’s still no way of knowing for sure. Similac has setup a website and a phone number (800-986-8850) dedicated to helping consumers find out if their product has been recalled.

That’s a great place to start, right? Unfortunately, their communication lines haven’t been able to hold up to the increasing number of concerned parents; the website is down and the phone line has been busy since three o’clock yesterday afternoon. In my opinion, if Similac wants to keep parents loyal, then perhaps they should keep us more informed. Instead of publishing a list of recalled lot numbers, they’ve provided elusive tools where parents can go and enter their lot numbers into a database. That idea could have worked, but it didn’t and I can’t help but think that someone should have anticipated that.

The recall was issued because beetles and beetle larvae were found in some of the powdered formula that was manufactured at a plant in Michigan. The relief comes here, the FDA has issued a statement claiming that there is no immediate health risk involved. However, babies exposed to the affected products could experience gastrointestinal discomfort and exhibit a drop in appetite, aka tummy troubles.

As of yet, we don’t know the specified lot numbers of the recalled products but we do know that the recall involves Similac powdered formula in plastic containers and also the powdered formula sold in eight ounce, 12.4 ounce and 12.9 ounce cans. Liquid formula has not been affected by this recall. Also not included are Similac specialty formulas.

Thankfully, spokeswoman Melissa Brotz seems genuine in her apology, “Delivering anything less than the highest quality infant formula is unacceptable to us. We will do whatever is necessary to maintain the trust of parents in the coming weeks.” I sure hope so, Miss Brotz. Recalls in baby food and infant formula are among the worst nightmares for concerned parents. If we can’t trust what we’re feeding our children, then what can we trust?

Via: The Huffington Post

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