Tracy Anderson 30 Day Method Interview and Free Giveaway

Tracy Anderson is one of the hottest fitness trainers around. With a client roster of Gwyneth Paltrow, Courteney Cox and Shakira, this pint-sized former ballet dancer is famous for her specific training method, which she devised all by herself after years of researching the anatomy of the human body, exercise physiology and nutrition.

Her latest creation, Tracy Anderson’s 30-Day Method, makes her amazing system accessible to anyone who is willing to commit 30 days to her tough but result-getting program. had a chance to talk to Tracy about her new book. At the end of the interview, don’t forget to enter your chance to win a free copy of Tracy’s highly coveted release.

1. You have created a line of workout DVDs as well as three fitness centers throughout the country. What was your reason for developing and writing Tracy Anderson’s 30-Day Method?

I have always wanted to have a book, which can be used to show people the foundation of the Tracy Anderson Method. When I was creating my Method, I had stacks and stacks of books in my apartment, on muscle groups, nutrition, and during my research period, I knew that I always wanted to write a book. For some people, a book is more approachable than a DVD, it is something they can flip through and is a very approachable research tool.

2. Is Tracy Anderson’s 30-Day Method a stand-alone diet and fitness plan or should you also have one of your fitness DVDs to get the most out of the program you outline? If so, is there a specific DVD of yours you recommend for someone who is just being introduced to your Method?

The book is a 30-day method that you can follow completely to help transform your body. This includes a description of my Method and my research, a 30-day nutrition plan as well as a fitness plan with a companion DVD. It is the only resource that you will need for the 30-days to complete my Method.

3. Do you plan on opening up additional studios throughout the country? Any hint on when and/or where?

Yes, I will open more studios. Big plans to expand. Stay tuned!

4. You definitely have a very specific and novel way of shaping women’s bodies. Can you describe your process for how and why you developed the Tracy Anderson Method?

I had a significant weight gain when I was in college, and this weight gain continued when I was pregnant with my son. I was never able to find a healthy and safe approach to fitness that would allow me to be able to enjoy food and where I would not “plateau” in my fitness results. I dedicated my 11 years of research to finding a formula that would work for any body type and could also combat the idea that you can be genetically destined to have a certain body type. I know that with the Tracy Anderson Method I can transform any body and help women reach their fitness goals.

5.  When anyone starts a diet, they want to know what they will be eating. We’ve heard that kale juice and Think Thin bars are two of your tried-and-true weight loss foods. Can you give us a sneak peek at the nutrition plan for your book?

I love ThinkThin bars (in creamy peanut butter) as an on-the-go meal replacement, but do not suggest it as a snack in addition to your other meals. I recommend green juice in the morning to get your day started off right nutritionally and feeding your body lots of great nutrients.

The nutrition plan in the book is a comprehensive 30-day guide, which not only outlines your meals, but provides comprehensive recipes. Additionally, it is formulated for all different types of eaters; if you like to have 3 meals or if you like to graze throughout the day and eat eight small snack-meals, there is a nutrition plan for everyone that will complement the fitness aspect.

Thanks Tracy!

Win a copy of Tracy Anderson’s 30-Day Method! Simply comment below and tell us why you think Tracy Anderson’s 30-Day Method can help you get in shape. You will be automatically be eligible to win one copy of Tracy’s book, valued at $25.99.

DISCLAIMER: Only residents of the U.S. or Canada are eligible to win. Winners will be subject to the one copy per household rule, which means that if you win the same title in two or more contests, you will receive only one copy of the title (or one set in the case of grouped giveaways) in the mail. Giveaway copies will be sent directly to winners. will draw winners on September 30, 2025 and will notify winners via email and request their mailing address at that time.

Also read:

Tracy Anderson 30-Day Method

Tracy Anderson Method

Tracy Anderson Post Pregnancy Workout DVD

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