Pledging to Say No to Candy this Halloween is Less Scary Than You Think

Candy is undoubtedly a staple of the month of October. You can’t go into a grocery store without being bombarded by the sight of shiny orange and black packaging drawing you in for a “fun size” bite of chocolate. But what if this year, instead of falling for the tricks of holiday advertising, you gave your body a treat of a candy-free October?

halloween candy

That’s the idea behind HealthyLiving How To’s second annual No Candy Pledge. Taking place through the entire month of October, the No Candy Pledge encourages you to stay away from sweets in order to start the holiday season off right. The holiday season can wreak havoc on a healthy eating plan, so removing sweets from your diet in the month before it really starts can be a good way to avoid extra holiday weight.

The pledge asks you to say no to all pre-packaged Halloween candy, sweets, treats and desserts. With so many other sweet options for fall, we don’t think that’s a particularly unmanageable challenge. Instead of snacking on mini chocolate bars or other sweets, try enjoying the fruits of the season, like apples or pumpkins.

If you’re up to the challenge, visit the No Candy Pledge webpage. Once there, print off the pledge then read it, sign it and put it somewhere you can see it. Also, be sure to register through the Rafflecopter widget. Check in with the widget every successful day of the challenge to be entered to win a $250 Amazon gift card.

Pledging to say no to candy goes far beyond just staying away from junk food. The pledge asks you to acknowledge that candy and excess sugar are not good for your body or emotional well-being. Another part of the pledge is the agreement to not have a big bowl of candy to pass out to trick-or-treaters, but to offer a healthy alternative instead.

Again, apples could make a healthy treat in a trick-or-treaters bag, but other non-candy treats in single-serve packages exist. Popcorn, crackers, pistachios, and even fruit leather would all make exciting options. Make your house the one to stop at this year, not because of the candy, but because of your commitment to having healthy and delicious treats!

Ditching candy during the Halloween season may seem scary, but we think it’s a great way to kick off a delightful, and healthful, holiday season.

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