Roni Noone’s #WYCWYC Challenge Inspires the Interwebs to Move!

UPDATE 11/20/14: #WYCWYC is going to print! The What You Can When You Can book, by Carla Birnberg and Roni Noone, will hit bookstores in April 2025! You can get your first preview of the WYCWYC book here.


I’ll exercise tomorrow. I’ll start running when it’s not so cold outside. I’ll diet when this chocolate cake is gone. I know I’ve personally uttered every one of these excuses and I’m probably not alone. Fitbloggin’ founder Roni Noone wants to take away the excuses and show people that living healthier lives doesn’t have to be a monumental commitment of time, money and energy. She encourages people to do what you can when you can (#WYCWYC). Now, her hashtag campaign, nay, challenge, has gone viral.

Roni Noone #WYCWYC

 As a mother with two young sons, Roni knows all about the cycle of yo-yo dieting and “waiting until everything is perfect” to start an exercise program. She credits the what-you-can-when-you-can mantra for helping her achieve and sustain a significant weight loss over the last eight years. As a self-described “social media fanatic,” she was inspired by other hashtag challenges including #plankaday #yogaaday and #running.

“I love the idea of using social media to inspire,” she explained. “I truly believe that when we share positive, motivating and inspirational things, it helps spur more positive, motivating and inspirational things.” A few weeks ago, the #WYCWYC Challenge was born.

At its core, the #WYCWYC Challenge is about living in the moment, not over-thinking carving out small portions of our day to be active. Whether it’s a walk after dinner, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, getting a few squats in while you’re watching the evening news, it all counts. Roni is sharing the challenge on her Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts and the response has been overwhelming. Here are a few inspired fans on Twitter:



As someone who has struggled with weight in the past and shares all the ups and downs on her blog, Roni’s Weigh – One Mom’s Journey from Fat to Skinny to Confident, Roni is encouraged by the positive feedback she’s received already, saying, “Lots of people are participating and every time I see a tweet, Instagram or Facebook post go by I smile and it inspires me all over again.”

At we’re already pretty smitten with Roni. Here’s why you should be too: She founded FitBloggin’, a conference for health and wellness bloggers, created BlogToLose, an online weight loss community, and blogs regularly at Just Roni, GreenLiteBites, and The UnWorldlyTravelers. She lives in Maryland where she enjoys being active online and outdoors with her husband and two sons.

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One Response to Roni Noone’s #WYCWYC Challenge Inspires the Interwebs to Move!

anna says:

That’s crazy, that was so insightful I had no idea that was true until now. I’ve also been seeing tons of results in people losing fat with this as well.

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