Victoria Beckham Follows the Five Hands Diet to Help Shed Baby Weight

Everyone may follow Hollywood for the latest diet trends, but we’re pretty sure Hollywood follows Victoria Beckham. The former Spice Girl has seemingly tried every diet out there to keep her super-slim frame, and reports of her starting a new diet have only increased since the birth of her daughter in 2025.

victoria beckham

After doing Yogalosophy, following the Alkaline Diet, taking sun chlorella supplements, adding seaweed to her diet and going gluten free, we have to wonder what else Beckham can try. Apparently plenty, as Beckham is reportedly now a follower of the Five Hands Diet.

In the Five Hands Diet, one’s hand is used to reign in food portion size. “That seems fine because our hands are made to fit us,” said our resident nutrition expert, Mary Hartley, RD. For each meal, those on the diet are asked to choose a low-fat protein and carbohydrate. “The Five Hands Diet promotes high-fiber, plant foods and low-fat proteins, which is fine, and it even acknowledges that you might be hungry after meals and it makes provisions,” Hartley said.

A diet plan that encourages the consumption of protein, fiber and plants foods certainly is a better option than some of the other celebrity diet plans out there. We’re looking at you Katy and Kelly.

For all the good in the Five Hands Diet plan, there is some bad. Followers of the diet are encouraged to consume more vegetables from certain groups and less from others. “All the talk is useless about ‘more vegetables from this group and less from that’,” Hartley said. “All vegetables are good and seasonal vegetables are best.” The diet also specifies that you restrict or completely remove all wheat products from your diet, and, for some strange reason, bananas.

“I would never restrict fruit and whole grains except to stay within one’s calorie requirements or to make room for other foods in a balanced diet,” Hartley said. “Fruit and whole grains are different from added sugar or refined flour. It confuses people to falsely single them out.”

The Five Hands Diet certainly seems to work for Beckham. If her diet of choice is one that pushes people to eat low-fat protein and plant foods, we really can’t complain, especially given her tendency to set the diet trends of the season. If people want to follow her example and eat more nutritionally, that’s great! However, we might suggest going about it the old-fashioned way, rather than following the next trendy diet.

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