I can’t believe it, but 2024 is nearly over. Sure, we still have two months, but it’s not too soon to consider the top 20 fitness trends for 2024!
An online survey was conducted by 1,540 professionals certified by The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). Here are my top five picks from the 20 trends. You can see the rest of the results, reported by exercise science expert Walter Thompson, PhD, FACSM, FAACVPR, Regent’s Professor at Georgia State University, at WebMD:
1. Childhood Obesity. Fitness programs will address childhood obesity. Let’s hope it exceeds all expectations – childhood obesity has all kinds of implications, including adult issues down the road.
2. Core Training. This workout trend is a bit underrated. Strengthening muscles in your abs and back stabilize your spine and makes the rest of your workout even more effective.
3. Stability Ball. The inflatable fitness balls (also called Swiss balls or balance balls) are used for crunches, push-ups, and other exercises. It’s a fun way to take care of #2 on the list.
4. Sport-Specific Training. Athletes train in the off-season to stay on top of their game; to build their strength and endurance. But it could be a great incentive for amateurs to get fit via their favorite sport.
5. Worker Incentive Programs. Some employers are already giving their workers incentives to make healthy changes. It’s not only good for workers, but happy and healthy workers are good for employers.
Thanks, good bets, especially the first two.