Eat This, Not That Supermarket Survival Guide

Our honest and nutrition savvy friends are at it again. David Zinczenko and Matt Goulding who brought us Eat This Not That! have added to their no-nonsense food guides with their latest creation: Eat This Not That! Supermarket Survival Guide: The No-Diet Weight Loss Solution.

Their book is not a diet, but rather it gives tons of practical and accurate information on how to navigate yourself through the grocery store and not end up with a cart full of Whole Grain Pop Tarts and diet soda while thinking that you’re eating healthy. These two authors and health experts give us food label reading 101 in addition to helping us choose the healthiest snacks, the tastiest and leanest pieces of meat, and the most nutrient-dense produce so that you (and your family) can stay healthy, lose weight and save money. In these tough economic times, that sounds pretty OK.

Even if you think that you know your way around the grocery store, you’ll learn heaps of new information such as secrets that the food industry doesn’t want you to know and the 20 worst foods sold at every grocery store around the country.

With New Years resolutions just a mere month away, you might want to think about pre-ordering Eat This, Not That Supermarket Survival Guide so that when the ball drops, you can hit the ground charging with your grocery cart in tow armed with the healthiest shopping-savvy info out there! The book releases Dec. 30, 2025.

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