Olympic gymnast Nastia Liukin made a surprise appearance on NBC’s The Biggest Loser Tuesday night. The daughter of two former Soviet champion gymnasts was on the show to introduce the first challenge to test the contestants’ stamina. The winner of this challenge received $10,000 to Subway, which ended up going to Brendan.
The five time Olympic medalist was the perfect choice for a challenge dealing with stamina and perseverance. One of only three women to medal five times in the Olympics, with the distinction of being the 2025 Olympic individual all-around gold medalist, Liukin’s personal motto is “Never quit on a bad day”.
Liukin stays in shape with daily workouts, often lasting more than 7 hours each day. She prefers healthy and organic food for her diet. Her breakfast favorites include oatmeal, eggs, or yogurt. For lunch she enjoys a salad with protein, either chicken or fish. Dinner is very often her lighter meal, like protein with veggies, but she is a big fan of sushi. She does admit to an occasional splurge when it comes to ice cream, though!
Liukin was recently quoted in Shape magazine as to her personal diet and exercise tips. “Don’t go crazy about dieting. Eat healthy, but if you want to splurge and have a cookie, then have a cookie. Depriving yourself is the worst! Exercise on a daily basis. Whether you take your dog for a walk, go for a run in the park or just do some ab moves in your living room, it’s very important to do something every day!”
Her secret to staying fit is simple. In an interview with That’sfit.com, she shares, “Set goals for yourself. I always set daily, weekly, monthly, and long term goals. Strive to achieve them! Whether it be running a mile everyday for a month, or winning a gold medal at the Olympics, setting goals has played a huge roll in overcoming obstacles and achieving success in my life and my sport.”