Author Archives: heather

About heather

Heather's background in nutrition and wellness only strengthens her work as a certified Ashtanga yoga instructor. This dedicated yogi has studied in India twice, and loves a Madonna-inspired workout mix.

A Consistent Yoga Practice Reduces Stress

Anyone who does yoga is aware of the powerful stress reducing effects of this ancient mind-body practice but now, scientists have the data to prove it.

According to a recent study published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, women who maintain a long-term yoga practice recover from stress faster than women who are yoga beginners.

Yoga experts in this study were defined as women who practiced once or twice a week for the past two years. Novices were women who participated in six to twelve yoga sessions. Biochemical markers of stress were shown to be less in the expert practitioners. The biochemical markers under question are the same ones that are also indicators of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Researchers also found that in reaction to a stressful event, experts had a lower heart rate than the novices. (more…)

Best Yoga Moves for Summer

With the warm summer season quickly approaching us, yoga is an amazing way to get in shape and reduce any stress you may have about all of the barbeques you’ve been invited to attend.

Even though yoga can be practiced any time throughout the year, the fluctuations in seasons make some postures more relevant than others. For instance, certain yoga asanas can help you cool down after an outdoor hike or run, like shoulder stand or padmasana, and other postures, like a few rounds of sun salutations, can substitute for a quick workout when you’re pressed for time. (more…)

Yoga for Babies

Yoga is truly for everybody – babies included. Just like prenatal yoga, yoga for teens and yoga for kids, yoga for babies is fast becoming a popular class for moms and their newborns.

Here is what you need to know about yoga for babies.


Yoga for babies classes are meant to give moms and babies a chance to bond as well as provide mothers with a bit of exercise. In addition, moms can learn new ways to relax their infant, say for instance, when he or she is crying and a bottle, nap or change of diaper isn’t doing the trick. Yoga for babies also provides mothers with simple movements and exercises they can do for their child in order to bring relief to a colicky baby or reduce gas pains.


5 Strategies for Beating Mindless Eating

Whether you’re at your computer chomping on a bag of pretzels or watching television shoveling spoonful after spoonful of ice cream into your mouth, mindless munching is one surefire way to pack on the pounds. In fact, just mindlessly eating 100 calories a day, the equivalent of a large apple or a palmful of almonds, can lead to gaining up to 10 pounds in a year.

To prevent this mindless eating weight gain, put into practice these five ways to beat unintentional extra calories.

1. Never get too hungry. The more powerful your stomach growls, the more likely you are to ravenously consume a surge of calories before your body and brain can register that you’ve had enough. Therefore, aim to eat every three to four hours with meals and snacks comprised of healthy carbs, good fats and a lean protein.


Yoga for Kids

Yoga is indeed popular with adults. Just look at the entire yoga industry that has bloomed in the past five to ten years. But as adults feel the benefits of regular down-dogging, they are quick to realize how the physical and mental effects of this ancient Indian practice can also benefit young children.

Here is what you need to know about yoga for kids.


More and more, yoga schools are offering yoga for kids. Not only can yoga be a great physical workout for children, but studies have also shown that yoga may help children to focus better in school and improve their concentration. And because of yoga’s non-competitive nature, it is a refreshing and welcome alternative to sports that are rooted in winning or losing and pressure-filled games.


Use Yoga for a Flatter Stomach by Summer

It’s just about that time of year again when the birds start chirping, the sun beats stronger and the bikini and tank tops in your closet start to rustle for some fresh air. We all love the dawn of summer, but let’s be honest: Months of sweaters, turtlenecks and gym membership cards that weren’t used as often as they should have been makes us all a little timid about baring our midriff.

Getting a flatter stomach by summer does not have to involve fear, thousands of crunches and lunches after lunches of un-dressed salads topped with a plain chicken breast. Instead, focus on these next three months of spring to start or ramp up your yoga practice for a lean and bikini-ready middle by summer.

Here’s how. (more…)

BROga is Yoga Designed for Men

BROga yoga's co-founder Robert Sidoti

Can’t convince your guy to tag along with you to your yoga class? You’re not alone. According to Yoga Journal, the majority of yoga practitioners are women. In fact, a study released by the magazine in 2025 cited that 72 percent of down-doggers are women. So to balance out the gender gap between women and men who love to get their Om on, two male yoga and fitness aficionados started BROga, an approach to yoga designed just for men.

Co-founders Robert Sidoti and Adam O’Neill are passionate about yoga and all too aware of the reasons why many men shy away from rolling out a yoga mat. Inspired by the benefits and changes yoga has brought to their lives, their mission is to share their enthusiasm by offering men real tools for coping with daily stresses and demands through an accessible yoga-based fitness program taught from a man’s point of view. (more…)

Best Yoga Vacations Around the World

Relaxation is probably the number one reason why we go on a vacation- and stress reduction is one of the most popular reasons why people turn to yoga. So what happens when you combine the calming effects of yoga with the tranquility of a beach resort? A very memorable, peaceful and healthy vacation.

Thanks to the rise of yoga, a complete yoga-inspired culture has turned into a multi-billion dollar industry. So it should come as no surprise that where we choose to go for some rest and repose also has some space for sticky mats, incense and vegetarian fare.

For those who want to stay in the country or for those who want to venture abroad, when it comes to taking a yoga vacation, you have a tremendous number of options available to you.

Here are some of the hottest destinations for a yoga vacation. (more…)

Drinking Wine as Part of a Heart Healthy Diet

Guest blogger, Vicki L. VanArsdale is a freelance writer, certified personal trainer and nutrition consultant. By adopting a healthy and active lifestyle, she has lost 100 lbs. Her mission is to motivate and inspire people through her actions and words. Get healthy from the inside, out is her motto. Learn more on Vicki’s blog.

Did you know that a glass of wine can be considered part of a healthy lifestyle? For those who live in other parts of the world, a glass of wine is common with meals. Here in the U.S., the problem is binge drinking. But having a glass of wine once in a while is just fine.

Many studies indicate that moderate amounts of red wine lowers the risk of heart disease and may raise high density lipoprotein (HDL), which is known as the “good” cholesterol. Moderate means one glass of wine per day for women and two for men.  The American Heart Association says one serving of wine is four ounces, so be vigilant with your serving size. And women who have the breast cancer gene should avoid alcohol because of its potential to increase risk of the disease. (more…)

Have Fun at Disney World on a Diet

Hollywood & Vine restaurant; Image via

When it comes to amusement parks, roller coasters and funnel cakes are common sites, but healthy low calorie food is not. Yet, mega-fun spot Disney World is a trailblazer leading the way in offering healthy fare to its millions of enthusiastic guests.

If you’re taking the kids to Disney World for a vacation, you don’t have to derail your diet like a malfunctioning roller coaster. In fact, the Florida park has plenty to offer both health-minded folks and the not-so health-minded kids. Here is a look at how to navigate your way through Disney World so that even if you blow your budget, you don’t have to blow your diet. (more…)

Yoga for Couples

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, yoga is a healthy and fun way to celebrate the holiday. In fact, many yoga studios all across the country host yoga for couples classes during the month of February. Yoga for couples attracts not just romantic couples, but friends who share a love of yoga or pals who just want something different to do on the Hallmark holiday.

So exactly what is a yoga for couples class? (more…)