Diet and Nutrition

Set Your Metabolism on Fire with These 4 Foods

Finding ways to increase your metabolism is always important when you are trying to lose weight. There are tons of studies done to figure out which foods will naturally help your metabolism as well as products you can buy that claim to also help.

In my opinion, I prefer to stick with more natural remedies. I like to know exactly what I’m taking and how much. I did some research and found some of the most proven natural methods that will set your metabolism ablaze!

Maybe one of the most widely known ways to increase your metabolism is eating hot peppers. The reason they are able to help with metabolism is because of the chemical capsaicin, it is found in hot peppers and cayenne peppers. This chemical will temporarily cause your body to release more stress hormones, which will cause your metabolism to speed up and help you burn more calories. It will also help suppress your appetite which of course means taking in less calories. Eat a tablespoon of chopped red or green chili peppers at each meal by adding it to your meals. You can spice up your favorite pasta, chili or soups by adding these metabolism fire starters.

If you’re not a fan of the spicy peppers, the sweet chili peppers are another great option. They contain a compound called dihydrocapsiate (DCT) which acts similar to capsaicin as far as our metabolism goes. A study done in California found that people who took nine milligrams of DCT experienced more energy expenditure and burned more calories than the control group. They burned an extra 100 calories per day when they took the nine milligrams three times a day. (more…)

FoodMood Tracks Twitter to Identify a Food-Emotion Connection

If you’re on Twitter you see food tweets all day long.

“Best. Burger. Ever.”

“I’m so ashamed, I can’t believe I just ate a whole pizza.”

“These cupcakes are making my Monday!”

We love or hate our food and we like to talk about it. Due to these truths a new group has decided to use tweets to create a powerful infographic about our food consumption and its impact on our emotions.

FoodMood is a project that has created a graphic based off of food tweets. In a nutshell, they used Twitter to establish what people are eating and how they feel about it. FoodMood then overlaps the data with the current Gross Domestic Product information and the current obesity data to create a very user-friendly and helpful guide. Users can see the trends with a simple glance. This info allows for a deeper understanding of our eating habits. (more…)

5 Tips for Healthier 4th of July Travels

By Stephanie Mansour with Dana Shultz 

If you’re on the road this Fourth of July, that doesn’t mean your healthy ways should go out of town, too. While there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a little indulgence in the way of food and decadent desserts, there something to be said about keeping things in moderation as to not totally blow your diet. Below you’ll find five simple solutions from fitness guru Stephanie Mansour, that will help you keep your waistline intact while navigating this holiday the healthy way.

How much of eating healthy on the road is mentality and how much is actual choices? 

Eating healthy on the road starts with a mentality. If you intend to eat healthy and even plan ahead, you will set yourself up for successful healthy eating. But if you don’t plan or have an intention to eat healthy, you’ll probably end up eating a fattening alternative. Make sure you are eating every 3-4 hours, including a serving of protein and fruit or vegetables. Even if you stop at McDonalds or Taco Bell – get a small portion of protein and load it with a side of veggies. Think outside of the box and always remember the protein plus fruit/veggie rule!  (more…)

NutritionRank Assigns Nutrition Scores to Food to Make Healthy Eating Easy

In today’s world it’s very easy to obtain nutrition information about the food we eat. From websites to mobile apps or simply the package label, the calories, fat, and any nutrition data about a particular food is readily available. The issue is that the market is so saturated with sites, apps, and info that it’s hard to tell which is the best or even most accurate. How can you know if your food is actually healthy for you based on this information? The founders of believe they have the ultimate answer for those wanting to know if their food is healthy.

Alok Ranjan and Vikrant Mathur are the founders of the popular food and cooking video channel The site is the most trafficked site in the food-video industry. The duo’s newest project is called NutritionRank. They have launched the nutritional database and search engine in hopes of making it the web’s number one resource for dietary health information. (more…)

Alli No Longer Experiencing Shortage of Orlistat

Alli was the first FDA approved diet pill to hit the market and experienced a shortage recently. “We had experienced a supply shortage of the active ingredient used to make the product,” a representative from GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare said in an email. “The supply issue has been resolved.”

The active ingredient they are referring to is orlistat. It helps with weight loss by suppressing the body’s ability to absorb fat in the intestines and can block up to 25 per cent. When the body is unable to absorb the fats they become undigested waste.

Studies on the amount of weight loss you can lose with Alli are limited but you can expect to lose three to five pounds more a year than if you were relying on diet and exercise alone. (more…)

Do Calories Count for Olympians?

By Rachel Berman RD, Director of Nutrition for

DietsinReview recently interviewed the dietitian team of the Olympics and they found that many athletes aren’t aware of the amount of calories they are consuming. Calorie counting is not just relevant for weight loss. The more strenuous a sport, the more calories an athlete needs to refuel their bodies and muscles properly for the work they are doing. In addition, it’s not as though an athlete can just copy the diet of someone else on the team. Calories burned at rest and during exercise depend on age, height, weight, body composition, among other factors. Therefore, it’s important for an athlete to get an idea for the amount of calories they burn off personally so that they can consume that much in their diets. If not getting enough or proper nutrition, athletes can definitely put their energy, endurance and game at risk.

We know of at least one Olympian who is well aware of the calories he is consuming. Gold medal swimmer Michael Phelps has been reported to eat as much as 12,000 calories per day to match the 50 miles he swims per week during training. It is more than calories that count – getting enough complex carbohydrates from sources such as grains, legumes, and starchy vegetables help give athletes the energy they need during strenuous activity. (more…)

The Hottest Celebrity Bodies of Summer 2024 Blockbusters

Summer blockbusters are always entertaining, the chilled theaters offering a reprieve from the scorching heat. These sizzling flicks are also a great time to get some inspiration for the gym. There are some incredible summer movies coming out over the next few months, with equally incredible hotties we look forward to seeing on the big screen!

If Oscar gave trophies for best big screen bods, the academy would have to choose between these actors and actresses!


1. Zac Efron

Efron’s film Neighbors has already been released, but is definitely being considered a summer hit. Playing a college kid living next door to a married couple with a baby, Efron is, well, clearly hitting the campus gym on a very regular basis. Follow his steps. Definitely an inspiration.

cameron diaz sex tape

2. Cameron Diaz

Starring in Sex Tape, Cameron Diaz plays Jason Segel’s really hot wife. Now, Diaz has always had a pretty spectacular body, but starring in a movie revolving around being scantily — or not at all — clad is a pretty big deal. Diaz looks hotter than ever, and the movie looks hilarious. How does she do it? Read about it her new release The Body Book. (more…)

Our Brains Light Up at the Sight of Sugar

Not sure they needed to do brain scans to prove that seeing images of sugary treats makes us want them. Never-the-less the scientists did and they showed just how much we love our desserts and what power they hold over us.

According to Linda Carroll at, the researchers had women look at images of sugary treats like cookies, cupcakes, and cake while being scanned. The brain scans showed that the regions of the brain that deal with hunger and reward lit up. This study had very similar findings as a previous study involving cocaine addicts. When the addicts were shown images of drug needles the same portion of the brain lit up. Wow, sugar and cocaine pack some serious power in our bodies. All of these findings were discussed at the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society. (more…)

How to Cook with Black Beans

Black beans might be a pantry staple in your kitchen, but how often do you use them creatively? Aren’t they usually just a meager side dish or recipe afterthought? Well leave that mentality behind as we’re about to unveil not only the amazing health benefits of this powerhouse legume, but also share five healthy recipes you can try to branch out and start using black beans more adventurously. 

Health benefits: Black beans are an incredibly complex little legume that provide tons of protein, fiber and other nutrients while still remaining low in fat and considerably low in calories. They’re also high in iron, calcium, vitamin B and folic acid, and the minerals magnesium, phosphorous and manganese.

Because of their high fiber content – nearly 15 grams in one cup – they’re great for promoting healthy digestion and preventing constipation. Beyond their vitamin and mineral perks, black beans have also been found to lower blood cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar levels, and reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. And because they contain phytochemicals – one of the powerful elements in antioxidants – black beans have also been found to fight chronic diseases and even cancer. (more…)

Celebrity Chef Rachael Ray Was Born With Food in Her Blood

Celebrity chef Rachael Ray was born into a family full of restaurant business owners on August 25, 1968. Her place of birth was Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and she was raised in Lake George, New York. She’s had many successes that put her as #38 on the top 100 list for the most influential people in health and fitness 2024. Some of these accomplishments include authoring many cookbooks, starring in a daytime talk show, and hosting shows on the Food Network.

Before making it big in the food industry, Ray held many restaurant jobs that helped her to work her way up the ladder. She was surrounded by family members who worked in the food industry influencing her to lead the same lifestyle. Her first word was even “vino” after hearing her grandfather say it all the time. Ray’s mother was the food supervisor for several Howard Johnson’s, which was how Ray actually became a waitress there herself. Another job she held was a candy manager at Macy’s Market Place in New York.

The start of her career took off while working in a gourmet food shop in Schenectady, New York. Ray developed the “30 Minute Meals” and taught the cooking classes which quickly became her signature after being picked up by a local television network. The meals had to be quick and easy to prepare and guaranteed to take no longer than 30 minutes to prep. The types of dishes ranged from comfort food to entertaining food, so no matter what the occasion is, Rachael Ray could provide many options to choose from.

Not only did these meals make it on a local television network, but they also led Ray down the path to her first book deal as well as a contract with the Food Network. The “30 Minute Meals” eventually became so popular that the Food Network decided to give Ray three more TV programs called Inside Dish, Rachael Ray’s Tasty Travels, and $40 a Day.

The years 2005 and 2006 were big for Ray as she married John Cusimano in 2005, released her own food and lifestyle magazine, “Every Day With Rachael Ray,” and premiered a self-titled TV talk show. This was right about the same time her first TV show, 30 Minute Meals, won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Service Show. Barely two years later, Ray won another Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show Entertainment.

Also on her list of achievements is the non-profit organization “Yum-O!,” launched in 2006. The program is designed to help feed American children in need, and to educate young people and their families about the importance of good nutrition. The program offers an interactive website that enables kids to do things like learn family-friendly recipes by getting started in the kitchen at a young age.  Yum-O’s three-word motto is “COOK – Educating Kids and their families about food and cooking, FEED – Feeding hungry American kids, FUND – Funding cooking education and scholarships.”

Ray has two homes with her husband in Luzerne, New York and Manhattan’s Greenwich Village. They spend most of their time at their lake-side cabin in Luzerne where Ray’s mother actually lives with them. Ray has one younger brother named Emmanuel and one older sister named Maria.

Here are a few of the cookbooks Authored by Rachael Ray:

2001’s Comfort Foods
2003’s Get Togethers
2005’s Rachael Ray 365
Yum-O!: The Family Cookbook
Rachael Ray Nutrish Premium
Rachel Ray’s Big Orange Book
Book of 10


*Photos from and 

Picnic Perfect Recipe for Red and Sweet Potato Salad

I can say that the Fourth of July is my hands-down favorite holiday of the year. It’s smack dab in the middle of summer and everyone is happy. It’s a good-time vibe all day, and usually all weekend when the holiday doesn’t fall on a Wednesday.

Like most Americans, I love the food aspect of these patriotic celebrations. Picnic food has got to be some of the best, but it tends to be some of the worst for us. Just like I had to rethink my go-to beef burgers and swap them for a pretty tasty turkey burger, I had to rethink my sides. Particularly potato salad.

I love potato salad! I used to day dream about that big yellow dollop on my plate. Now I kind of shudder when I see that pail of mayo-mustard mess. I felt like I owed it to myself and my guests to come up with something better, and so I did. (more…)