Diet and Nutrition

4 Foods to Spring Clean Your Health

By Rachel Berman, RD – Director of Nutrition,

Spring time is here and your spring cleaning may already be well under way. This year, in addition to tackling your closet and cleaning underneath the couch, focus on ‘detox’-ing to spring clean your health. No, I’m not talking about expensive drinks and celebrity cleanses which can be harmful to our bodies with short-lived results. These are marketing gimmicks to get you to shell out money for something you will have to do time and time again. By making changes to your diet, you can naturally ‘detox’ with healthy foods. Add these foods on a regular basis to optimize your health and feel your best inside and out.

Leafy Greens such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and kale contain cancer fighting compounds called glucosinolates. They are also a great source of calcium which is important for muscle contraction and therefore, can improve the ‘spring in your step.’ Frozen veggies can often be even more nutritious than fresh since they are frozen at the peak of ripeness. Try always keeping a bag in your freezer for quick and easy addition to meals.

Citrus Fruits are loaded with soluble fiber. This type of fiber increases the amount of healthy bacteria in your colon to help flush out toxins from your system. They are also loaded with immune boosting nutrients and antioxidants such as vitamin C, which can improve the health of your skin. Choose the whole fruits, not juices, to get the maximum fiber benefit and improve satiation. (more…)

How to Cook with Vanilla

When I think of vanilla, I think vanilla sugar cookies, vanilla cake with lots of icing, and melty vanilla ice cream in the summer time. Obviously I have a sugar problem, but that’s beside the point. The fact is, while vanilla – both the bean and the extract – is a common household ingredient, it packs some pretty serious health benefits that the common person doesn’t know about.

What is Vanilla? For starters, it’s one of the oldest and most expensive spices around. Vanilla beans are the pods or fruits from a tropical orchid, and are native to the tropical rain forest of Central America. The vanilla plant requires a supporting tree or pole to grow tall. And the plant’s fragile flowers only open for one day to be pollinated by bees or humming birds. However, commercially-grown vanilla is hand pollinated, and most commonly grown in Madagascar, India, Indonesia and the West Indies.  (more…)

How to Bake a Healthier Ham This Easter

It wouldn’t be Easter without a healthy serving of ham now would it? We didn’t think so either.

The good news? Lean, bone-in ham is pretty healthy to begin with. One 3-ounce serving runs around 160 calories with 3 grams of fat and 17 grams of protein. However, the salt is where it can get you, with a single serving containing anywhere from 900-1250mg of sodium.

So with this in mind, keep your serving sizes in check when you’re loading up your plate this Easter: 3-4 ounces of meat per person, or about the size of your palm. And be sure to drink lots of water and keep the contents of your meal as a whole as balanced as possible.  (more…)

Weight Loss vs Weight Maintenance: What’s the Difference

You know you need to lose weight, you’ve been carrying around those extra pounds longer than you care to admit. You keep telling yourself, I’m going to do something about it this weekend or the first of next month but time just keeps slipping by.

Well, I’m here to tell you, do it today! Most people think they have to do all sorts of crazy things to prepare to lose weight. This is not necessary and in some ways all that prep time is just a form of procrastination (ouch, I know, tough love).

So no more procrastination, start this very minute. It’s OK you didn’t have the healthiest breakfast or that you just polished off the leftover lasagna. Just because you had one unhealthy meal doesn’t mean the whole day, or overall effort, is ruined. Forgive yourself and focus on eating healthier for next time.

The way to lose weight is no secret, take in less calories or burn calories and doing both is even better. It’s good to keep in mind the importance of moderation and balance. It’s really easy to get all gung-ho in the beginning and cut your calories way down and exercise like a maniac. I’m sorry to have to tell you, this is not the best way to get (good) results.

Eventually you will feel deprived and increase the chance of binge eating on all your favorite evil foods. You also need to realize that drastically reducing your calories is going to cause you to lose more muscle than fat and nobody wants a jiggly body! (more…)

Beware of Japan Rapid Weight Loss Diet Pills Green

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising consumers not to purchase or use “Japan Rapid Weight Loss Diet Pills Green.” This product is used for weight loss and sold on various websites, such as and distributed by Xiushentang.

According to the FDA website, a laboratory analysis confirmed that “Japan Rapid Weight Loss Diet Pills Green” contains undeclared phenolphthalein.

According to the Britannica, Phenolphthalein is a potent laxative, which acts within 6–8 hours; its effects may last 3–4 days. Such adverse reactions as kidney irritation or skin rash may occur. As an indicator of the pH of a solution, it is colorless below pH 8.0 and attains a deep red hue above pH10.0.

It was discovered in 1871 by the German chemist Adolf von Baeyer, who prepared it by fusing phenol and ophthalmic anhydride in the presence of sulfuric acid or zinc chloride.  This is a solution used in chemical experiments and is also suspect of causing cancer. (more…)

Healthify Your Banana Bread with Truvia Baking Blend

How would you like a big slice of banana bread with less than half the calories of a typical slice? We thought you’d say yes.

Truvia is launching a new Truvia Baking Blend and they want you to know all about it. Truvia is an all-natural sweetener that has zero calories and is made with the best tasting part of the stevia leaf.

Truvia Baking Blend is a blend of Truvia natural sweetener and sugar, and it provides a 75% calorie reduction per serving compared to recipes sweetened only with sugar. One half cup of the Baking Blend offers the same amount of sweetness as one cup of sugar, which has 760 calories. Truvia suggests using half as much Baking Blend when substituting it for sugar in your recipes, to ensure it doesn’t come out too sweet. (more…)

NFCA: The Gluten-Free Resource for Current Nutrition Information

By Wendy Gregory Kaho

There’s a lot of talk right now about the gluten-free diet and weight loss. Whether it’s the latest celebrity claiming the pounds are falling off while avoiding gluten or discussions on blogs and Facebook, weight loss is tied to a gluten free lifestyle. For those of us who have been gluten-free for a while due to celiac disease or another gluten-related disorder, weight loss and gluten-free don’t always go together.

When I first went gluten-free 5 or 6 years ago, I lost 35 pounds. I ate a naturally gluten-free diet that omitted all gluten-containing foods, with very few gluten-free replacements. At the time, there weren’t many good gluten-free breads or baked goods to tempt me and the availability of gluten-free flours was limited.

Back when I was walking nearly every day to help with the swelling and discomfort of my gluten reactions, the pounds did literally melt off. Then I started a gluten-free blog and started sampling all the processed gluten-free foods that were flooding the market and sitting at a desk working on my computer. I gained back the weight and then some more. This is a typical scenario for a lot of gluten-free people. As our intestines heal and our body starts absorbing nutrients and calories, there is a tendency for those with celiac disease to gain some weight. If we aren’t careful about the food choices we make when we replace the gluten-full foods in our diet, we can be adding lots of sugar and fat and white processed starches, gluten-free flours and, of course, pounds. (more…)

Food Fight: Sugar vs. Artificial Sweeteners

About a year ago I was sitting in a coffee shop in Topeka, Kansas with my husband, eating a vegan oatmeal cookie and doing some reading online. One of the articles I came across was ‘Is Sugar Toxic?‘ by The New York Times. And by the time I finished the 6,000+ word story, I was deeply regretting that cookie.

The article discussed the research of Dr. Robert Lustig – a pediatric endocrinologist at the University of California – who has deemed sugar as the major cause of most of the health-related diseases Americans are facing today like obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. And he believes 75% of these diseases are preventable if we’d just cut back on the sweet stuff.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta recently did a special on Dr. Lustig on 60 Minutes, and the story seemed to catch the attention of other media outlets. This has brought the ‘sugar is toxic’ discussion back full circle, forcing Americans once again to consider whether or not it’s their sugar habit that’s making them sick. (more…)

The Big Difference in Pre-Workout Snacks and Post-Workout Snacks

I cannot count the number of times I’ve pulled out of my city for a road trip with an empty tank of gas. That’s because it’s never happened. Aside from making sure I have everything I need in my luggage, and a stash of mostly healthy snacks, the first thing I do before turning on the GPS is fill up my gas tank. Otherwise, that’ll become a very short and probably expensive trip.

It’s a common metaphor to compare our bodies to gas tanks, but it couldn’t be more true. Our bodies need food for energy, for brain function, to get us from point A to point B in our workouts.

I want to explain which snacks are best for both sides of your workout and why snacking for each should be treated differently.

“The two snacks should be very different. First and foremost, the harder or longer your workout is, the more important each snack becomes,” Holly Perkins told us, a fitness expert and ambassador for New Balance.

She explained that a pre-workout snack has dual functionality. “One, to ensure immediate fuel from the very moment you begin your workout, and two to preemptively start the protein recovery process so that you’ll feel great for TOMORROW’S workout.”

Before a workout, you want to keep it simple with easily digested foods. Don’t eat a huge meal or anything that could cause stomach disruption, like hummus or beans. The purpose of this pre-workout snack is to prevent low blood sugar, increase muscle and liver carbohydrate stores, and prevent hunger throughout the duration of your workout, as well as provide the energy you need to power through.

Holly told us, “You want a combination of easily digestible protein paired with a moderately fast carbohydrate. You don’t want a super fast carbohydrate like sugar or a sports drink because this  kind of sugar enters the bloodstream very quickly. This means that it will also exit the bloodstream quickly, leaving you tired mid-workout.” (more…)

Carnie Wilson’s Second Weight Loss Surgery on The Doctors

This Friday’s episode of The Doctors will be full of tips that will grab everyone’s attention.

The show promises to show viewers how to lose weight, increase their bust size, and have better sex all in one episode. Those hot topics and more will be covered in the episode titled, “Secrets to Look & Feel Better Naked”

We all want to know how we can shed a few pounds, especially with swim season right around the corner. The docs are going to show you how to burn up to 1,200 calories without exercise. Seems too good to be true! While they are on the topic of weight, singer Carnie Wilson will explain how she lost 30 pounds in two months with a controversial second weight loss surgery. The doctors discuss if her method is right for the viewers.

Dr. Drew Ordon will also discuss a non-surgical method to increase bust size. He will show the viewers an undergarment that is supposed to increase bust size by two cup sizes.


Monsanto Children’s Book is Nothing but Propaganda

Giant biotech company Monsanto has taken a bold move with their latest project. The company has released a children’s activity book that is aimed at teaching the goodness and beneficial effects of biotechnology. Many critics, and there are many, are calling the books nothing more than propaganda.

Monsanto has been responsible for many negatives actions in the past. Some of their fouls have included dumping toxic waste in the United Kingdom and polluting creeks in Alabama with Mercury and PCB materials for 40 years. One of the most hurtful acts was how Monsanto essentially bullied local, family-owned farms with high-priced lawyers and court fees causing many to lose their farms. While all the actions prior have caused an outcry, this new light hearted children’s book has struck an even deeper chord.

In the midst of gaining approval to begin growing the first genetically modified corn seed, Monsanto has collaborated with several other biotech companies to release Biotechnology Basics Activity Book. The aim of the book is to teach children about biotechnology. It is doubtful the book will take an objective view as one excerpt explains how the process is actually a positive step for the environment.
