Diet and Nutrition

Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Just Released

Move over P90x and Insanity, there’s a new workout on the market that promises you’ll get “dramatic results at an accelerated pace.” Jillian Michaels, America’s Toughest Trainer, Jillian Michaels Body Revolutionhas just released Jillian Michaels Body Revolution—a 90 day fitness and diet plan that promises to give you the secrets for what really works when you’re striving for weight loss and total body transformation.

Michaels delivers her same “in-your-face” style that you have come to expect from her from her days on NBC’s The Biggest Loser TV show. Participants in the program are directed through a 3-phase weight loss program comprised of 15 30-minute workouts along with an accompanying meal plan, plus some more goodies that will help you achieve weight loss success.


Freshly Grilled Chicken? Try Factory Charred

grilled chicken sandwichGrilled chicken is a food that’s often recommended as part of weight-loss plans, because it’s low in fat and high in protein, which helps promote satiety. However, that seemingly innocent chicken breast you ordered at Subway or Burger King is not really the healthy item it masquerades as, despite the grill marks on the meat.

That’s because few fast food restaurants are willing to actually grill. Instead, these chicken breasts are cooked with an industrial process and branded with char marks to make it appear as if the meat might have once touched a grill. The only major fast food chains we know of to actually grill its chicken are Chick-fil-A and Chipotle, while McDonald’s, Subway, Wendy’s, Burger King and Taco Bell all opt for fake char marks.


A Healthy Grocery List for Gourmet Tastes

pile of seeds on an orange fabricWhen we think of items that delight the the foodie palate, things like cheese, wine, chocolate and pastries are often first to come to mind. These decidedly high calorie items must be enjoyed in moderation to maintain a good health, but there are a number of exotic tastes that are also very healthy. Assembled below is a list of epicurean delights that are also nutritionally sound.

1. Expeller Pressed Olive Oil. An expeller press mechanically extracts the oil from seeds or fruits like olives. This traditional method doesn’t require chemicals and produces a better product. “When the first press happens, all the nutrients come out in the oil and that’s the highest quality,” says Chef Marcus Guiliano, owner of Aroma Thyme Bistro.

2. Bulgur Wheat. This nutritious wheat has a low glycemic index and is high in fiber. Made from a pre-cooked wheat berry, serve it as you would cous cous or rice.

3. Coconut Milk. Gaining recent traction as a dairy substitute, coconut milk adds a sweet note to all kinds of recipes. Although it’s high in fat, it’s also a good source of lutien, a key nutrient for eye health.


Taco Bell’s New Breakfast “Another Nail in the Coffin”

Every time we think the fast food industry has outdone itself, one of them steps up to prove that their work is never done. This morning 800 Taco Bells started serving breakfast. In case your 2am Gordita Crunch Burrito Bowl Nachos weren’t enough, you can now swing through the Mexican-inspired drive-through and grab breakfast.

The roll out is a test to see if the new breakfast burritos can hold their own on a menu littered with greasy, processed tacos, nachos, and burritos. If all goes according to the Yum Brands restaurant plans, you’ll be able to run to the border for breakfast in all locations by 2024.

We’ll grant that there aren’t any off-the-wall breakfast recipes being served at Taco Bell; nothing any different than any other fast food restaurant. “Their menu is what NOT to have,” says our resident dietitian, Mary Hartley, RD. The menu includes egg burritos with sausage, bacon, or steak. Hash browns, Cinnabon, hot or iced coffee, and orange juice will also be available.

She argues there isn’t an ounce of nutritional value in anything on their menu. “There is too much protein, no fibrous cereal, no fresh or dried fruit, no milk or yogurt, no nuts or seeds; the hash browns are greasy (but Yum doesn’t use Phase.) If you love this food, then save it for a rare occasion; if you don’t love it, then skip it.” (more…)

Certified Naturally Grown Offers Alternative to USDA Organic

round certified naturally grown sealIn 2002, a federal law passed that only allows products to be labeled “organic” if they have gone through the USDA certification process, but not every farmer who uses organic practices has the certification. The process is time consuming and also comes with a thousand dollar fee, and some small farmers simply find that the USDA’s program is a bad fit for the scale of their operations.

However, Certified Naturally Grown (CNG) offers farmers and beekeepers a way to assure consumers about their practices. We are frequently warned that the word “natural” is a marketing term used in greenwashing, but the farmers who participate in this program are committed to healthy and sustainable agriculture. “The O-word is forbidden unless you get special permission to use it, so we’re the alternative way to describe what they do,” explains Alice Varon, the executive director of Certified Naturally Grown. “It can be a very convenient short-hand way of communicating about their growing practices.”

There are 800 farms and apiaries located in 47 states that have the grassroots certification. From a consumer’s perspective, produce that carries the Certified Naturally Grown seal is equivalent to that which carries the USDA certification. It’s grown without synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, synthetic herbicides or fungicides. Certified Naturally Grown’s standards are based on internally recognized standards. “We’re not trying to define anything radically different,” says Varon.


What Not to Eat Before a Workout

Exercise isn’t always pretty. While it can make you look and feel like a million bucks, healthy eating and intense exercise can bring about side effects that are less than comfortable and less than glamorous. If you are an avid runner, you may be familiar with digestional cramping brought on by exercise. Gas, bloating and cramping can be made worse by what you eat before you set out for your workout. What you eat can also effect your energy, the effectiveness of your workout and the, ahem, air quality for fellow gym go-ers.

Here are 6 foods that, while mostly healthy, should not be eaten before exercise for a more comfortable workout.

Hummus– Beans and bean based foods like hummus can create a lot of gas and bloating in your system. While beans, beans, they’re good for the heart, avoid clearing out the cardio room 10 minutes into your treadmill session by saving them for later.

Green bananas and raw veggies– As long as you are ditching the healthy hummus dip, avoid the raw veggies you eat with it as the 1-2 gas punch to your gut will leave you doubled over in pain. Raw veggies and under ripe fruit, like green bananas, up the gas factor in your stomach. While cooked veggies can still make you a little gassy and should be saved for after exercise, ripe bananas make a great pre-workout snack. Green bananas are tough to digest, but ripe, soft bananas are perfect.


Saying “I Do” Can Cause Weight Gain

Brittany Mullins is the author of the blog Eating Bird Food, where she proves that living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be boring or bland by sharing her recipes, fitness activities and tips. Having lost 20 pounds five years ago and kept it off since, she loves to inspire and motivate others by showing that small changes can create a big impact!

It has been proven that women tend to gain a considerable amount of weight after getting married. Being a woman who just recently got engaged, hearing stats like this is quite scary!

No one is certain why it happens, but some speculate that it may be due to a decrease in activity, indulging in rich meals together, eating the same amount as your man even though men naturally require more calories, eating “guy foods” like beer and pizza, skipping the gym to hang out with your honey, or even paying less attention to your weight because you’re no longer on the prowl.

Whatever the reason is, there are definitely ways to prevent it! Here are a few of my favorite tips that can help you stay on track as a newlywed:

Get physical. Stay active together by finding fun activities that you and your man enjoy! If that’s not possible, be sure to make time for yourself to stay active. My guy hates the gym, but I love it so I typically workout at the gym and he plays ultimate Frisbee, runs outside, or works in the yard.


Weight Loss Surgery Coverage Push

More obese Americans may be given the opportunity to have their weight loss surgery covered by insurance if device manufacturers have their way. Allergan Inc., makers of the LapBand gastric banding device, has been the most vocal in their efforts to give obese patients access to this life-altering surgery. Weight Loss Surgery Coverage PushBeing able to have this surgery covered by insurance will give patients the tools they need to fight a host of life-threatening illnesses brought on by their obesity. Allergan proposes that allowing more people access to insurance coverage will save billions of dollars in healthcare costs for both the government and employers.

The Dilemma

Critics argue that bariatric surgery has high rates of complications which can reach into the thousands and that the surgery doesn’t change the underlying behavior.


Hidden Health Threat in State of the Union

Last night’s State of the Union address from President Obama covered a lot of ground in a relatively short period of time. Nearly none of that covered health-related issues, mainly because it wasn’t politically expedient in an election year with job fears and emotions over tax fairness.

There were a few passing comments on health issues, none in any real depth. However, one really struck home with me:

“I will not back down from protecting our kids from mercury pollution, or making sure that our food is safe and our water is clean,” said the President.

While many of us are eating too much junky processed food and not enough healthy natural food, water, the vary foundation of life on Earth is being threatened. It’s an issue that gets next to no coverage anywhere in relation to other environmental problems. But it’s the one problem that, if it got out control, would be the quickest route to our demise.

About 70 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. More than 60 percent of an adult’s body is made up of it. Without it, you will die in about three days. It’s pretty important. (more…)

The Skinny Rules by Bob Harper Comes out in May

Bob Harper, world renowned fitness trainer and one of the stars of NBC’s The Biggest Loser is reaching beyond his focus on fitness to share diet and nutrition tips with as many readers as possible.The Skinny Rules

Hi new book, The Skinny Rules, comes out in May and aims to show you exactly how to shed those unwanted pounds, whether its two or two hundred.

Harper says that while on the show, “I’ve been given a really big platform to reach as many people as I can. And I take that very seriously.” Now he’s putting his vast knowledge of nutrition to use in the book by breaking down what he knows into twenty simple, nonnegotiable principles.


Celebrate the Year of the Dragon with these Healthy Recipes

Happy Year of the Dragon! It’s time to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Everyone loves a celebration and what would any celebration be without good food?Happy Year of the Dragon

Although the holiday falls on a different date each year (this year it’s Jan. 23) the celebration only starts there, but continues for another fifteen days. That gives you more time to enjoy some of the delicious recipes that symbolize prosperity, luck, wealth or good fortune for the coming year.

Chinese culture is all about symbolism and the dishes served for New Years reflect the culture. Noodles represent a long life, but be sure not to cut or break them as you prepare, serve and eat them. A whole chicken represents family unity, a whole fish—surplus, tangerines are used for wealth and oranges for good luck. Steer clear of squid as it symbolizes getting fired in the upcoming year.

Check out these healthy versions of Chinese New Year dishes.
