Diet and Nutrition

Celebs Flock to Udi’s Gluten Free Snacks at Sundance

Whether it’s a trend or a legitimate health concern, there’s no argument that gluten free is the biggest buzz in dieting. One of the most prestigious celebrity events is the Sundance Film Festival and this year, gluten free made a big appearance.

Elizabeth Olson, Emily Blunt, Rashida Jones, Mario Lopez, and Lil Jon were just a few of the big names that strolled through the Fender Lounge and Miami Oasis Gifting Lounge to taste several varieties of Udi’s gluten free foods. On Sunday night Udi’s also provided the gluten free meal for the Creative Coalition’s Annual Spotlight Initiative Awards Gala Dinner.

The Udi company has a had a health nut following for several years. The company was started in the Denver, Colorado area by a husband and wife team. The family business has always been noted for its breads and has since branched out in to free standing cafes, bakeries, and even a Middle-Eastern themed restaurant. The separate company, Udi’s Gluten Free, has blossomed as one of the front runners in quality gluten free foods. Bagels, bread, cookies, granola, and pizza crusts are just a few of the products Udi has produced and made available to the public.

Rick Warren Creates the Daniel Plan to Inspire Weight Loss in his Congregation

Replacing the gym for church might be the key to health and weight loss success. In the last year, a movement started by famed pastor Rick Warren has lead to the loss of 250,000 pounds.

Warren, considered one of the most influential pastors in the U.S., is best known for his best-selling book The Purpose Driven Life. Recently Warren was struck by how overweight his congregation was, including himself. Warren admitted to gaining 90 pounds over the last 30 years and failing at various diets along the way.

This realization lead to the creation of the Daniel Plan. The Daniel Plan is a diet and lifestyle program that was devised at Warren’s church, Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California and gets its vision and name from the story found in the book of Daniel in the Bible. In the story, Daniel and his friends refuse to eat royal food and wine. They only eat vegetables and water. In Daniel 1:15 it says, “they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food.”

The plan was also devised with the aid of three medical professionals: Daniel Amen, a psychiatrist; Mark Hyman, a family doctor; and Mehmet Oz, a TV host and cardiac surgeon. Essentially, the plan advises healthy food choices, promotes workout routines, and urges participants to join a small group for support.

Start Your Diet on Facebook with The Grapefruit Active Lifestyle Meal Plan [VIDEO]

You’ve seen online diets before, but have you seen one on Facebook? The social network is quickly becoming the hub for people’s social lives, so why wouldn’t you make it the point of entry for your weight loss program? That is exactly what Dawn Jackson Blatner has done in partnership with Florida Grapefruit. They’re calling it the Grapefruit Active Lifestyle Meal Plan and, as you can probably guess, the diet centers around grapefruits, be it whole fruit or 100% juice.

By visiting their page at you can download a free eBook, a 62-page PDF that outlines the program with daily meal plans, tips and recipes. Blatner, a registered dietitian and certified specialist in sports dietetics, has organized a balanced, healthful eating plan that will lend followers about 1600 calories each day. There are three meal plans to choose from:

  • Standard with dairy, meat, fish, and eggs
  • Vegetarian with dairy and eggs
  • Vegan with no animal by-products

We spoke with Blatner about the new program, which she said is plant-based with the option for chicken or steak (this is fitting as she is the author of The Flexitarian Diet). As for building a weight loss plan around the grapefruit, she says the fruit has “a bold, invigorating flavor… that provides natural energy.” It can be an acquired taste for some, but Blatner says they’ve incorporated the flavor subtly and won’t often have you eating it straight from the peel.


Jillian Michaels’ Favorite Snacks

michaels holding a bag of popchipsGrabbing a snack is a great way to keep hunger at bay, but what you pick can make a big difference to your waistline. Celebrity trainer Jillian Michaels reveals her favorite snacks for an afternoon pick-me-up or mid-morning nibble. “These snacks are quick, easy and they all taste good,” says Michaels. “They’re preservative-free, contain no trans fats, MSG, high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners.”

  1. Hard-boiled egg and a piece of fruit. Fruit is a great source of vitamins and fiber, while the egg offers protein and healthy fat.
  2. Veggies and hummus. “This is an incredibly healthy snack that’s filling and tasty,” Michaels says. That’s because the fiber from the vegetables and the protein in the chickpeas both promote fullness. If you’re worried about the preservatives and sodium in some store-bought brands of hummus, check out our katamata olive hummus recipe! (more…)

Phase Oil: Another Fat Secret of the Restaurant Industry

phase oilPhase oil is probably not something you’ve ever heard of, or even considered cooking with, but you’ve probably eaten it. It’s a common butter substitute that is used in many restaurants and hotels, primarily for frying but can also be added to baked goods and other recipes. Created by Ventura Foods, Phase Liquid Butter Alternative contains a number of very unhealthy ingredients, outlined below, which is why you should be concerned about eating it.

  • Liquid and hydrogenated soybean oil: Phase contains 18 percent saturated fat and 1.5 grams of trans fat per tablespoon.
  • TBHQ: Tertiary butylhydroquinone, an antioxidant commonly added to fry oils to retard spoilage and make them better suited for heavy-duty use.
  • Soy Lecithin: Also found in baked goods, margarine, chocolate and ice cream, this common constituent of animal and plant tissues, lecithin is a source of the nutrient choline. It keeps oil and water from separating out, retards rancidity, reduces spattering in a frying pan, and leads to fluffier cakes. Major natural sources are egg yolk and soybeans.
  • Dimethylpolysiloxane: A polymer composed of alternating silicon and oxygen atoms and having two methyl groups attached; it can, depending on molecular weight, have properties ranging from oils to plastics.

(more…) Relaunches With More Resources for Atkins Diet Users

The Atkins Diet has been around for more than 30 years and maintains a strong following. On the diet you’ll adopt a lifestyle of eating that is low in carbohydrates and high in protein and vegetables. While always available via books, now those who want to try the program can have free access to the Atkins Community.

The Atkins Community is a web site that allows you to customize your meal plans, set your weight loss goals, calculate your current BMI, and communicate with other dieters. Those who sign up can also receive a free copy of the book The New Atkins for a New You. The program, along with the free access to the web site, gives access to some extra support while you work towards your weight loss goals. There are still four stages to the Atkins weight loss program, but there have been some changes made so that it is healthier, more simplified, and with more emphasis on maintenance. (more…)

Health Care and the State of the Union

There’s always a bit of political grandstanding that goes on during a president’s state of the union address, but it is especially ratcheted up during an election year. This is one of the key moments for President Obama to make the case for his re-election. That means he is most likely to talk about the economy and various issues surrounding it.

Insiders say topics will include the continuing housing crisis, jobs, and fixing a tax and financial system that many think is unfairly rigged for the richest few.

What, if anything, will be said about the state of healthcare in the U.S.? It seems doubtful much of anything, other than a cursory mention, given what most people will be voting on this year.

Much of the address will be targeting the all-important voting block of the middle class. Many of them are certainly struggling with their pocketbooks… but many are also without healthcare. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of people without health insurance coverage was 49.9 million in 2024. (more…)

Heidi Klum Diet and Fitness Secrets

Heidi KlumWe’re all saddened by the recent announcement that Heidi Klum is separating from her husband Seal, but we have to admit that she looks awesome. After 4 kids and 7 years of marriage, Klum can still rock the runway along with her many spokes model gigs anytime with her slamming figure. How does she do it? We did some digging to find out how she keeps her body in tip-top shape, even after several pregnancies.

Post Pregnancy Shape up

To get her figure back in just a couple months after giving birth, Klum used The Ultimate New York Body Plan, designed by personal trainer David Kirsch. This diet is strict and not for the faint of heart, but it works.

During the first two weeks, all foods that cause bloating are eliminated; this includes dairy, fruit and refined carbohydrates (carbs). After two weeks, fat-free dairy can be added back into the diet, but refined carbs are restricted throughout the diet timeline. Carbs with a low glycemic index such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains are allowed in small amounts. Alcohol, bread and starchy carbs are prohibited.

Proteins are a major ingredient. Good sources are lean meats, lentils and eggs. Klum often starts her day with a protein shake and then follows with an egg white and vegetable omelet a couple hours later. Nuts are allowed as a snack between meals.


Gluten-Free Dorm Room Survival Tips

by Shelby Kaho from Celiacs in the House

When I come home for the weekend, I try to cram in as much time with my friends as I can, but Saturday night and Sunday before I head back to school, I get down to business and cook for a solid few hours preparing gluten-free food to put in my dorm room mini-fridge freezer. The menu usually consists of fried rice with lots of veggies, grilled or baked chicken cut into small slices, sautéed asparagus, black beans, sweet and sour sauce to put on the chicken and/or steak, ravioli with sauce, steak cut into strips and sautéed, pizza, French toast, and chocolate chip cookies. I pack everything in quart sized freezer bags that I fill halfway, release the air and flatten the contents. This makes everything flat and stackable. It also makes it easier to break off single servings if the food is in a thin layer and cut up into small pieces.

I also stock up my fridge with corn tortillas for microwave quesadillas, shredded cheese (I put this on rice bowls, quesadillas, etc…), fruit cups, microwaveable sausages, lunch meat, fruit smoothies, and kefir. I also have several drawers full of the items that don’t need to be refrigerated. Some of my staples are microwaveable rice, gluten-free pretzels, chips, bread, fruit snacks, and beef jerky.

My strategy is to cover the basics like protein and carbohydrate so that I know I won’t go hungry and will always have what I need available to me. I also keep a collection of spices and sauces to make things less monotonous. My favorites to keep on hand are tamari, mayonnaise, hot sauce, ketchup, mustard, garlic powder and chipotle powder.


Oikos Greek Yogurt Wins Healthiest Super Bowl Ad of 2024 [VIDEO]

Buzz is building for the 2024 Super Bowl ads before we even know who will compete in Indianapolis. Trend watchers say that pets and sex will continue to sell to the largest TV-viewing audience of the year; more people will watch than will vote in November.

While most are tuning in to watch the final football game of the NFL season, many are watching solely for the commercials. Last year, the healthiest thing about those ads was Jillian Michaels’ appearance in the GoDaddy. This year, we’ve found one healthy food item being advertised amongst a gluttonous roster of chips, beer, and soda.

Dannon’s Oikos Greek Yogurt will make its Super Bowl debut this year, and will win MVP for healthiest product advertised. With only 120 calories for a 5.3-ounce serving, there are no more ingredients in Oikos than are necessary. John Stamos will present Oikos in the commercial as “possibly the best Greek yogurt in the world,” and stats will say blind taste-testers prefer Oikos 2-to-1 against Chobani. Organic sugar, organic blueberries, organic elderberry juice, organic nonfat milk, and five cultures are all it takes to make these slender cup of yogurt.


Healthy Food and Fitness Swaps for World Swap Day

January 21, 2024 is World Swap Day. Originally started as a way to reinvent shopping, it’s a movement that’s gaining national attention and seeing activity across the country. World Swap Day encourages all to share goods, food, clothes, toys, or many other items verses buying them new. Swapping will turn any unused items into things you actually need. Therefore, you don’t spend money and you don’t compile unused stuff around your house.

In celebration of World Swap Day, why not do some personal swapping for your health. Big results have come from small changes. For example, swapping fries for a medium baked potato saves you over 250 calories in your lunch and you avoid all unhealthy oils. Swapping is easy, and good for everybody.

Check out 10 easy swaps you can do to celebrate World Swap Day, and your health. (more…)