Diet and Nutrition

Dr. Oz Puts Three Women on an Extreme 48 Hour Diet

Tune in Friday, October 28, 2025 to see Dr. Oz’s most extreme diet challenge ever.

Three typical women who are overweight, have high blood pressure, and high cholesterol will be put through an extreme 48 hour diet. The women will be locked up with nothing more than the food Dr. Oz has provided for two days. The women will be unable to give in to temptation and their bodies will go under a significant change in just the few hours. The results are promised to be unbelievable. Be certain to catch this episode as we see just how impactful a healthy diet is on the body.

Dr. Oz Reveals Breakthrough Diets for All Body Types

Tune in Thursday, October 27, 2025 to the Dr. Oz Show to learn how to target your problem body areas with breakthrough diet tips.

Dr. Oz will be sharing the biggest breakthroughs for all body types, stating that, “just because you’re born with it, doesn’t mean you’re stuck with it.” The show will cover particular diets to help shrink large backsides, great exercises to blast belly fat, and teach how to reshape your body for life. Tune in and learn how to get toned up.

Get Creative With Left Over Halloween Candy

Halloween is a special time of year. Ushered in by aisles full of candy and celebrated with a touch of imagination, it is a magical event where adults and children alike can be whatever they dream to be for one single night.

A part of the magical spell Halloween has us under is our diet. Although it is tempting to swear off candy or limit our children’s consumption of it when faced with bags of goodies captured after a night of trick-or-treating, allowing ourselves to enjoy it may not be such a bad thing. In fact, allowing kids to eat as much candy as they want may not even result in them eating everything they gather. In a survey conducted by, only 20% of the 1200 participating children said that they ate all of their Halloween candy and 60% of the participants said that it took them 2 weeks to finish it all off.

Instead of cutting out candy completely on Halloween, perhaps consider allowing your family to have a Halloween treat pass until the clock strikes midnight. This way your kids can enjoy the splendor of gathering as much candy as they can, but will also prevent them from extending the candy mentality into the rest of the year.


8 Foods That Fight Fat

By Michelle Schoffro Cook for

Tired of that spare tire? Sick of your love handles? You can increase your body’s fat-burning power by eating more foods that strengthen your liver (your body’s main fat-metabolizing organ) to burn fat better. The result? A leaner you! There are many great liver boosting foods, but here are some of my favorites:

Leafy Greens: Spinach, spring mix, mustard greens, and other dark leafy greens are good sources of fiber and powerhouses of nutrition. Research demonstrates that their high concentration of vitamins and antioxidants helps prevent hunger while protecting you from heart disease, cancer, cataracts, and memory loss.

Beans and Legumes: Legumes are the best source of fiber of any foods. They help to stabilize blood sugar while keeping you regular. They are also high in potassium, a critical mineral that reduces dehydration and the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.


The 15 Best Healthy Pumpkin Recipes You Haven’t Tried

Matthew Kaplan is the Editor for, a free online resource featuring hundreds of free healthy recipes, healthy cooking tips and loads more. Be sure to check out FaveDiets on Facebook and on Twitter.

Oh, pumpkins – what would fall be without you? After all, from Jack-o-lanterns to pumpkin pie, it is awfully hard to avoid those seemingly ubiquitous orange orbs this time of year. Try as you might, pumpkins are always the “it” food item this time of year.

However, while pumpkins and pumpkin dishes appear everywhere, the one place where they rarely make an appearance is the average home kitchen. This is too bad, as pumpkin recipes are delicious and, when done right, highly nutritious as well. If you have seemingly banned pumpkin from your recipe repertoire, then it’s time to reconsider. (more…)

Bagged Salad Recall Due to Salmonella Contamination

By Kelsey Murray

If you like the ease and convenience of bagged salads, you might want to think twice before reaching for a bag in your local grocery store. Apparently, a producer of bagged salads recently realized that their products may be contaminated with salmonella and has now issued a recall to remove the contaminated products from store shelves.

Taylor Farms Retail of California recalled 3,265 cases of bagged salads. The recall was prompted by a random test of a bag of spinach that was prepared by the company. Taylor Farms Retail voluntarily recalled the bagged salads, which were distributed in 15 states, including Arizona, Colorado, Florida, New York, Texas, and Washington.

The contaminated salads include several blends that were released by the Fresh Selection, H-E-B, Marketside, and Taylor Farm brand names. These products have expiration dates between October 18 and 21.


Approval of Genetically Engineered Salmon Looms Near

whole salmon on white backgroundAquAdvantage salmon is close to being approved as the first genetically engineered (GE) animal to be approved for human consumption by the FDA. Created by the Massachusettes company AquaBounty Technologies, the GE salmon combines the genes of the Chinook salmon and Pacific salmon, and also includes a rapid growth gene taken from ocean pout. The fish reaches maturity in half the time as wild salmon.

The FDA has not disclosed their timeline on the subject, but The Daily reports that the agency has sent its environmental assessment to the White House, indicating that their assessment is complete. Talking Points Memo reports that the document is in favor of commercializing the genetically engineered fish.

Opponents of the GE salmon have stepped up their efforts to prevent it from entering the U.S. food stream. Many ecologists worry that the wide-scale breeding of such a fish will have a negative impact on the environment, particularly if the AquAdvantage salmon escapes into the wild and breeds with wild salmon.


Meal Planning is a Snap with Mobile Apps

By Jill Buonomo

What’s one thing most busy parents have in common? Trying to get through their day while mulling over the question, “What’s for dinner?”

We could all use a little help to ensure that healthy and affordable meals make it to the table every evening, and mobile meal planning apps make that possible. It’s easier than ever to take a moment at lunch or during your child’s soccer practice to thumb through your phone and put together that night’s dinner, or even be proactive and plan the entire week’s meal plan.

Check out some of the best meal planning apps available.

Mark Bittman’s How to Cook Everything (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad)

The highly popular food writer and author has made cooking and meal planning that much easier with an app version of the bestselling cookbook How to Cook Everything.


5 Minerals for Cancer Prevention

By Michelle Schoffro Cook for

Minerals are essential in cancer prevention. Here are 5 of the top cancer-prevention minerals:

1. Calcium: A proven protector against colon cancer, this mineral is integral for maintaining the health of bones and teeth, blood clotting, and cellular metabolism. Excellent sources of calcium include: nuts and seeds, carrot juice, dark green vegetables, salmon and sardines.

2. Iodine: This mineral is found in sea vegetables like kelp, dulse, and Celtic sea salt. It helps protect the body from breast cancer and is required for energy and the growth and repair of healthy tissues.

3. Magnesium: This mineral protects against cancer in general, maintains the pH balance of the blood, as well as aids the formation of your body’s genetic material RNA and DNA. While damaged genetic material can put you at risk for cancer, magnesium helps with the repair work. It is found in many foods, including: nuts, fish, brown rice, whole grains, and green vegetables.


Infuse Your Favorite Fall Recipes with Seasonal Vegetables

Fall weather typically means cooler temperatures and heartier meals. However, eating heartier doesn’t have to mean you are eating foods that are unhealthy. You can easily use seasonal vegetables that are available this fall to add flavor and nutrition to your traditional fall recipes.

Vegetables that are available during the fall season include Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, squash, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, broccoli, potatoes and turnips. For fruits, be on the look out for apples, dates, pears, kiwi and tangerines. Simply putting some of these items on your grocery list can help inspire you to infuse them into your meals. Since these items are at their peak during the fall season, you can get them at a good price and while they are at their freshest.

Below are a few ideas that incorporate seasonal produce with your everyday fall favorites.


How to Cook Your Whole Grains to Perfection

By Delia Quigley for

The benefits of eating whole grains have been extolled numerous times here. Now, let’s get down to cooking them properly. Because a hard outer shell protects the seed of the grain, there are certain preliminary steps to take in order to ensure maximum access to a grains powerhouse concentration of micronutrients.

Soaking grains: All ancient cultures soaked and/or fermented grains in order to neutralize enzyme inhibitors and the effects of phytic acid, which binds to calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc and prevents their absorption in the intestines. Soak grains 6-12 hours, or overnight, which pre-digests gluten and indigestible proteins rendering the grain more digestible. Even one hour of soaking will help to soften grains. Change water before cooking.
