Diet and Nutrition

Convenience vs. Health: The Raw Truth About the Not So Miracle Microwave

Isabella York is a mother dedicated to healthy living, while not giving up her life in the process. Along with raising her son, she works for Balsam Hill, a purveyor of Artificial Christmas Trees and Christmas Trees.

For many busy people, any item that makes life more convenient is considered a blessing. But our society of convenience has had some devastating cumulative effects, such as pollution and global warming. It really makes me think about the ways that I contributed to this pollution and how I could help reverse its effects.

Like most mothers, I rely on the microwave to quickly fill hungry bellies. Over the years I’ve caught snippets of the adverse effects of microwaving, and in my quest for a healthier family and healthier planet, I did some research about my beloved appliance. As it turns out, my whole concept of food and food preparation has changed dramatically. That tricky little convenient box of heat has been sneakily causing health problems and ruining the nutrition we all seek to provide ourselves and our families.


National Nutrition Month is Here, Eat Right with Color

March is National Nutrition Month, the perfect time to start shaping up your diet and celebrating this year’s theme: “Eat Right with Color.” Nothing brings more color to a plate than delicious fruits and vegetables. Everyone knows that eating fruits and vegetables is important to good nutrition. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber that your body needs to feel healthy and energized, and may help reduce the risk of obesity and many diseases, including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some cancers.

Fruits and vegetables are the most colorful items on any plate. The new 2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans say we should fill half our plates with colorful fruits and vegetables at every meal and snack. The good news is that increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables your family eats is easy because they come in so many delicious forms and varieties! Fresh, frozen, canned and dried fruits and vegetables, as well as 100 percent fruit and vegetable juices, each contribute to a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.


Eat Less Salt in 2025 with the New Dietary Guidelines

Since the announcement of the new 2025 dietary guidelines for Americans, culinary experts and dietitians have been working to help their clients adjust their diets to reflect the new guidelines. One of these suggestions includes eating less sodium.

Registered dietitian Michelle Dudash, RD is working to help Americans do just that. Here are a few tips straight from her kitchen to help cut down your salt intake, which promotes overall heart health and may even help you slim down.

Hold the salt: Instead of adding salt throughout the preparation process, only add it at the end of cooking when it’s needed.  This method requires less salt, while still reaching your taste buds upon first bite.

Think fresh: Use good quality, fresh and seasonal ingredients whenever possible, which results in maximum flavor and leaves little need for added salt.


Couscous with Chickpeas, Dried Fruit, and Cilantro

Even though American Heart Month has passed, it’s still important to keep an eye on the levels of sodium in your diet, regardless of age or weight. Low-sodium diets are often prescribed to prevent or treat many health issues and conditions. While salt is certainly a popular seasoning for many foods, meals low in sodium aren’t necessarily low in taste.

Couscous is a grain dish that originated in North Africa and consists of small granules that are usually made with ground semolina and wheat flour. Pair this good-for-you-grain with  low-salt beans and the sweetness of orange, apricot, and cranberry for a meatless dish so tasty you’ll never know you’re eating healthy.


What We Expect From America’s Next Great Restaurant

Lately there’s been a lot of buzz about the new show America’s Next Great Restaurant, and if there’s anything I’ve learned about the food industry in my years working as a fitness trainer and weight-loss coach, it’s that the majority of the food industry isn’t in business to get people healthy. They want to turn food into a crave-worthy experience and make money.

Now, I have no insider knowledge on what restaurant concepts will be pitched on this reality television series that premieres on Sunday, March 6 at 8/7 PM central, but based off of my research on what some of the country’s most successful food chains — like McDonald’s, Subway and Pizza Hut — serve, it may not have our waistlines in mind.

Restaurants are notorious for offering foods in enormous portions that are high in sugar, salt and fat.  Not only do we find these foods delicious, but these foods actually have physically addictive properties for some. So it’s no wonder that restaurant entrepreneurs keep looking to create the next worst-for-you burger or sandwich. They want you to come back for more!


Simple Secret to Make Cellulite Disappear

Raphael Calzadilla is a certified trainer with the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and has been a personal trainer for almost 20 years. He is also a natural competitive bodybuilder, 2001 Mr. Connecticut, and winner of the prestigious WNBF (World Natural Bodybuilding Federation) Pro Card, earning him status as a drug-free professional bodybuilder. You can learn more about Raphael at his website

Four years ago I was asked to speak at a fitness and nutrition seminar. With the audience being primarily women, I was excited to once and for all clear up the misconceptions about cellulite. Finally, it was my chance to talk about the infamous cottage cheese-look that makes women cringe in disgust.

I enthusiastically told my wife, Pam, and shared some of my material. She was excited about the subject matter and was listening intently. I told her that, from a medical standpoint, cellulite doesn’t exist. Her eyes got so big I thought I’d be shot on the spot, but I told her to be patient because it gets better.

I told her that cellulite is nothing more than fat. Len Kravitz Ph.D., who published an outstanding article “Cellulite: Everything You Want To Know and More,” in which he said “the name (cellulite) originated from the French medical literature over 150 years ago.” He goes onto describe the physiological reasons why cellulite is nothing more than plain old body fat. (more…)

17 Day Diet Available on Amazon March 15

We’re barely through the first quarter of the year and 17 Day Diet is leading the charge as the year’s most popular diet. Released in November as a self-published title by Dr. Mike Moreno, he quickly got the attention of Dr. Phil and The Doctors. The 17 Day Diet has become the most sought-after weight loss plan for the new year. So popular in fact that Moreno’s self-publish supply couldn’t meet the 17 Day Diet book demand of customers.

Moreno will not stop self-publishing on Friday, March 4, 2025 and has turned rights for the book over to publishing giant Simon and Schuster. Previously the book was only available through the book’s site, but starting March 15, 2025, anxious customers can make a simple purchase on Amazon and other booksellers. (more…)

Charlie Sheen’s Winning Diet

Charlie Sheen DietEveryone seems to be talking about Charlie Sheen’s recent interview with Andrea Canning for ABC, in which he coined the phrase “bi-winning.” Although he sweats through a workout every morning at five AM with a personal trainer in his home gym, it doesn’t look like the rest of his diet is quite so admirable. “If you want to meet me for one of my workouts at 5 a.m., you’re going to find out that smoking cocaine just does not fit in with that snapshot,” he told Pat O’Brian.

Illana Diamon of
pointed out Sheen eating Oreos and drinking some sort of orange liquid that appeared to be Tang or perhaps orange soda. Sheen also recently tweeted a photo of himself holding a large bottle of chocolate milk. He also smoked cigarettes constantly during his interview. “Dying’s for fools,” Sheen scoffed when asked about his drug consumption, which he might also apply to his sugar-fueled diet.


We Love Wings of Nature Organic Bars

Wings of Nature BarsOn Friday around 3:30 in the afternoon, I was sitting at my desk, starting to feel pretty hungry. Then I received a lovely package: samples of Wings of Nature Organic bars. I promptly devoured one and stopped feeling sorry for myself that dinner was still several hours away.

There is a lot to love about these bars. First off, they are certified organic by both the USDA and OC/PRO Canada. Although many feel that the USDA standards for packaged organic foods are not strict enough, all the individual ingredients in the Wings of Nature Organic bars are also organic. They come in three flavors: Almond Raisin, Cranberry Crunch and Espresso Coffee. Personally, the Cranberry Crunch is my favorite, but they all taste great.


No Truth Behind McLobster Sandwich Rumors

UPDATE 3/3/11: It seems the McLobster is just a rumor. McDonald’s took to their Twitter site to clear the air: “Despite all the rumors there r no plans 2 bring #mclobster or mcsushi 2 the US menu. We r working on a new menu item called McWinning.”

“McLobster” has recently been a trending topic on Twitter. What’s all the fuss about this unknown sandwich? In fact, people are wondering  – is it really even a true sandwich?

It sounds like something that would be found in an episode of Spongebob, but the McLobster sandwich  is actually a real sandwich. Rumors have surfaced saying that McDonald’s will be offering it at all of their restaurants in the coming months. When contacted for clarification, McDonald’s has indicated that the sandwich is not on the menu, although there is a commercial online.

But what is the McLobster? Will it really appear on your local McDonald’s menu?


Shedding for the Wedding Episode 2 Recap

The second episode of Shedding for the Wedding began with a group trip to Beverly Hills where they met with their wedding planner, Brian, to discuss their wedding cakes. When the couples found out that they were going to have to taste the various cakes, some of the contestants were worried about the extra calories while others were excited about the opportunity to indulge in preparation for their weddings. Brooks and Samantha did eat some of the cake, because as Brooks said, “We can work out an extra half hour in the gym to work that little bit of cake off.” At the end of the contest, Samantha and Brooks were not the only ones to have their cake and eat it too: Taylor and Peter also chowed down on cake.

Keeping to the original cake theme of the episode, this week’s challenge was a cake walk. Each team had to carry their four-tiered cake through the mile and a half obstacle course. If they lose a tier, they get a time penalty, and the team with the longest time would lose privileges to work out with personal trainers Jennifer and Nicky. All of the teams lost at least one tier of their cake, except Laura and Austin, but their carefulness caused them to finish last. Allison and David finished first, and although they had a six minute penalty, they were the winners of the competition and their dream cake. The team the came in last with the time penalties and, therefore, lost privileges to work out with the trainers, was Team Gamers, Peter and Taylor.
