Diet and Nutrition

Tasty Weight Watchers Dinner Ideas

It’s dinner time, your stomach is growling, but you just don’t know what meal to prepare that also won’t ruin your new Weight Watchers diet? Have no fear! DietsinReview is here to help you plan a yummy, Weight Watchers friendly dinner. All of these dinners will help you stay within your daily PointsPlus allotments without sacrificing your taste buds’ happiness levels!

Dinner #1

Who says you can’t enjoy cookout favorites just because you’re on a diet? Start off with the Apple Carrot Salad. This salad will get you plenty of healthy vitamins and nutrients while still tasting decadently delicious. Add a healthier version of the All American Potato Salad as another cookout-inspired side dish. Your main entree will be the Crock Pot Burger Heaven Casserole, an easy dish that you are sure to love! After your meal, enjoy some fresh fruit or the Summer Fruit Salad for dessert. Remember, fruits and veggies don’t have any PointsPlus value, so feel free to snack on them as often as you like!


Urban Wildlife Eating More Fast Food

Which would you rather eat: a tasty Angus Burger from McDonalds or a wild rabbit that you caught and killed yourself? Personally, I’d go for the McDonalds burger, and evidently, so does urban wildlife.

A new study shows that foxes, raccoons, and opossums now prefer to scavenge leftovers that they find in fast food drive-thrus instead of hunting for mice, birds, and their other normal prey. The study says that this adoption of the urban American diet is due to increasing urbanization, which takes away the animals’ natural habitats and forces them to adjust their lifestyles to mesh with ours.

The study showed that foxes that live in cities have higher cholesterol levels and significantly higher carbon levels; high carbon levels indicate diets high in corn or corn syrup. Most processed foods in the USA are comprised of large amounts of corn and corn syrup. These animals also had lower nitrogen values than foxes that lived in nearby rural areas.


The Best and Worst Starbucks Drinks for Your Diet

Early morning drives to work are definitely improved by a stop at Starbucks. The coffee-masterminds can create your perfect drink, whether you want something unique and frou-frou or just a tall, black cup of joe.

Imagine this: you’re standing at the counter, waiting to order your favorite drink to get your day started on the right foot, but when you are ordering it, do you stop to think about how your vente double latte is going to affect your diet plans?

Typically, humans don’t pay as much attention to liquid calories as they do to calories that come from food. For some reason, they just tend to slip our minds, but unfortunately, they still affect the number on the scale.

So, in order to help you keep your daily calorie intake in the range you need for your weight loss, we’ve made a list of the best and worst Starbucks drinks, based on calories and fat grams. All of these drinks are the “Tall” size- the smallest one, so if you get a larger cup, it’s going to be even more calories. The Best Drinks do not have whipped cream, while all of the Worst Drinks do have whipped cream.

Aces Up is the First Gluten-Free Bakery in Las Vegas

What would you do if almost every time you eat a meal, you suffered extreme abdominal pain? Dave Teator had to face this problem every day. Doctors could not explain why he would feel perfectly fine one day, and be very ill the next.

Finally, Teator took matters into his own hands and decided to try a gluten-free diet last year. And guess what, it worked!

“Going to a gluten-free diet made me feel so much better,” Teator said. “The healthier markets out there, Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s, dedicate gluten-free aisles, but the one thing that was missing was fresh baked [bread products].”


10 Tips for Late Night Snacking

Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows the struggle that one faces when it comes to late night snacking. It’s easy to stay busy during the day, but it seems like once the sky darkens and much of the family goes to bed, snacks come to the forefront of your mind. Even if you go to bed, you might very well find yourself laying awake, daydreaming about the chocolate cake left over from the birthday party. What you do with these cravings can be the “make or break” point of your diet success. Here are some tried and true diet tips to help you get past this hurdle:

  • Don’t leave the cake on the counter. It sounds simple, but we often overlook the simple things. Throw the cake in the garbage. If you think you’ll still find yourself tempted, bury that cake down deep. Pour some salt on it while you are at it. Destroy it so that you aren’t tempted to munch on a snack that could undo all of your hard work in two minutes.


What is The 1,200 Calorie Diet?

It’s generally accepted that, for most people, a 1,200-calorie-a-day diet is a good way to lose weight. While probably too low of a calorie amount for those who are extremely active or for men and women who are taller with larger builds, many people can and lose weight on a 1,200 calorie day.

The key is to select the right foods and exercises to make sure that you’re getting all the vitamins and nutrients that you need, along with improving your fitness. Notice in the meal plan that you consume most of your calories at breakfast and lunch to give you energy throughout the entire day. You also want to be sure to eat small snacks so that you never go more than three to four hours without eating.


Mediterranean Diet Key to Growing Old Gracefully

Following the Mediterranean diet is not only tasty, but has a great benefit on your brain health. Recent research conducted at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago tracked nearly 4,000 adults over the age of 65. Their results confirmed what we’ve heard many times: the so-called Mediterranean Diet, a diet rich in fruit, vegetables and olive oil, helps your brain to age gracefully.

Published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, this research proved that those who followed the diet were less likely to struggle with everyday tasks as they grew older. The study also revealed that those on a steady diet of healthy foods performed much better than those who ate lots of red meat, white bread and processed foods, often known as the “American” diet. Researchers found that the best performers consumed lots of fruit, vegetables, fish, olive oil, beans, nuts and moderate amounts of alcohol. The foods have a positive affect on the brain, protecting it by reducing damage caused by oxidative stress.


What Happens When You Succeed with a New Year’s Weight Loss Resolution

More than half of all New Year’s Resolutions made detail a desire to lose weight, but ultimately less than 5% are reported successful. Losing weight takes commitment and strong willpower. It means exercising daily, journaling your food intake, and choosing water over soda. It means making realistic, attainable goals – not a goal of losing 100 pounds, but breaking that goal into 5-10 pound increments as many times as necessary.

What happens when you do succeed, as I did? I made that fateful New Year’s Resolution on January 1, 2005 and I have to say that those four words – I will lose weight – have changed my life drastically. (more…)

Colorado Reigns as Thinnest State in the U.S.

Colorado repeats as the slimmest state, despite a slight increase in obesity of 0.2 percent over three years. In connection with a previous ranking, Governor Bill Ritter of Colorado told CalorieLab, “We’re not spared from the national obesity epidemic, and we must remain vigilant in order to guard against it. We’re doing all we can to encourage Coloradans — especially our kids — to take advantage of the natural resources our state offers in order to stay fit, healthy and happy.”

Connecticut was the second skinniest state, with the District of Columbia third, with its three-year average obesity rate actually falling by 0.8 percent from last year. Alaska and Oregon were the only other states whose three-year average obesity rates fell. (more…)

Gwyneth Paltrow’s Fitness Routine on the Rachael Ray Show

Tune in this Friday, January 7 to the Rachael Ray Show when Academy Award winning actress, Gwyneth Paltrow stops by for the first time.

Gwyneth will dish with Rachael about the fitness routine that keeps her slim, as well as her new singing role in the movie Country Song, which she reportedly gained 20 pounds in order to play the role of a country singer desperate to make a comeback. (more…)

52 Healthy New Year’s Tips on The Doctors

Tune in this Monday, January 3 to The Doctors to follow 52 health tips for a healthy you!

This episode is packed with a tested and doctor-approved health tip for each of the 52 weeks in 2025. All you have to do is commit to one a week and you’re on your way to a slimmer, healthier and sexier you. (more…)