Diet and Nutrition

The 17 Day Diet with Dr. Phil on The Doctors

Tune in this Thursday, January 6 to The Doctors to jump-start your healthy New Year’s resolution with The 17 Day Diet Challenge.

On this episode, Dr. Phil joins The Doctors as well as The 17 Day Diet mastermind Dr. Mike Moreno. The plan, which was first lauded by Dr. Phil on his show, has taken the weight loss world by storm. The weight loss plan has four distinct cycles, each of which is designed to accomplish a specific weight loss tactic, such as resetting your metabolism, burning fat or eating carbohydrates. The 17 Day Diet can help you lose up to 12 pounds in 17 days. (more…)

New Flat Belly Diet and the Best Infomercial Exercise Products on the Rachael Ray Show

UPDATE: This episode will air again on June 29th, 2025.

Tune in this Wednesday, January 5 to the Rachael Ray Show for her New Year’s Shape Up episode!

It’s time to shake off those holiday pounds and start your healthy resolutions. See which weight-loss infomercial products make the cut in Rachael’s own Biggest Loser challenge. Dr. Ian Smith stops by to put some of the most popular fitness products you see all over the television to the test.

Then, find out how to lose eight pounds in five days and cinch your waistline while eating bread, pasta and tacos with the New Flat Belly Diet. (more…)

Truth About Artificial Sweeteners on the Dr. Oz Show

Tune in on Tuesday, January 4 to the Dr. Oz Show when he gives you the facts and the fiction on artificial sweeteners.

On the episode, Dr. Oz will evaluate the most popular artificial sweeteners, like NutraSweet (aspartame), Splenda (sucralose) and Truvia (stevia). He’ll tell you which ones have been associated with weight gain, diabetes and even cancer. In 2025, researchers at Purdue University found that eating foods containing artificial sweetenerswas directly linked to eating more, consuming more calories and gaining weight. (more…)

Nancy Redd Discusses Her New Book Diet Drama

New York Times bestselling author Nancy Redd just released her latest book, Diet Drama, a follow-up to the bestselling, Body Drama. Nancy is the self-esteem adviser to FITNESS magazine, and as an AOL Health Insider. She has also been featured on ABC’s Good Morning America, CBS’s The Early Show, NBC’s Today Show, Oprah & Friends, CNN, The Tyra Show, E! True Hollywood Stories, PEOPLE magazine, NPR, PBS, Inside Edition, and more.

Nancy took time out of her busy schedule to answer a few questions for on her new book, which releases in January.

Why do you think that no one has featured real young women in an exercise book until now?

Because most diet books are written by a fitness expert who wants to show off their hot bod, and the intent is usually good but it tends to be tinged with an invitation for jealousy and a hierarchy of health based on looks, which isn’t fair or healthy. Diet Drama is the first diet book to present information and exercises in a flat system where we all are equal when it comes to our health goals, and thus no one body type deserves to be lambasted or lauded! (more…)

10 Foods Loaded with Antioxidants and Phytochemicals

This is sponsored content by Chef John Procacci, Healthy Chef Creations.

BroccoliOrganic fresh fruits and vegetables are one of the best sources of antioxidants, helping to deter the negative effects of free radicals in your body. Free radicals are the “the bad guys.” These unstable molecules enter your body just looking for a fight. They wreak havoc on cells and have been implicated in all kinds of crimes against your good health like arthritis, premature aging, cataracts, even heart disease and cancer.

Antioxidants are “good guys,” like FBI agents whose job it is to keep those delinquent free radicals on the run. But the good agents need your help. Once you are of voting age your body stops producing enough antioxidants. To aid the good-guy agents, you need to ingest fresh fruits and vegetables and their organic versions turn out to be the best source of antioxidants.

As an example, broccoli, a cruciferous vegetable, is thought to contain more cancer-preventative nutrients than any other plant. It does this by aiding the liver’s production of phase II detoxification enzymes, which protect against chemical carcinogens, promoting scavenging of the nasty free radicals. Broccoli sprouts contain 30-50 times more of these protective chemicals than are found in mature broccoli plants. (Source: E. Wagner, “What’s Missing from Multi-Vitamin Supplements?”, ND-LE Magazine, Jan. 2005) (more…)

Healthy Hoppin’ John: A New Year’s Day Tradition

After a December full of holidays, traditions and indulgences you might be drafting New Year’s resolutions and planning your healthy eating regimen for January.

While it isn’t necessarily an indulgence and won’t derail your diet plans, there is one tradition left that you won’t want to miss. Hoppin’ John is a Southern version of a traditional, West African rice and beans dish that consists of black-eyed peas and rice, with chopped onion and sliced bacon or ham hock, seasoned with a bit of salt and spices. If eaten on January 1, Hoppin’ John is said to bring luck for the forthcoming year.

The first known recipe for Hoppin’ John was penned by Sarah Rutledge, author of The Carolina Housewife in 1847 and a daughter of Edward Rutledge, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. The origin of the name remains in dispute, but according to Epicurious, some culinary pundits believe that the dish originated with African slaves, who numbered in the tens of thousands in the South in the 17th and 18th centuries.


Hoppin John Burgers Offer Good Luck for the New Year

The tradition to eat black eyed peas on New Year’s Day dates back centuries. The origins have ties with the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah. It wasn’t until the 1860s, or around the time of the Civil War, that the tradition to eat black eyed peas became an American practice, mostly by Southerners.

There are worse food traditions to have. Look at what we consume on Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Valentine’s Day. Burgers and rich desserts aren’t bringing any good luck, or good health for that matter. But the black eyed pea does. These little beans belong to the bean and pea family, or legumes. A single, unprepared serving of black eyed peas has 200 calories and 1 gram of fat. Where they become really impressive is the whopping 11 grams of dietary fiber and 13 grams of protein that serving offers! The black eyed pea is also a quality source of essential vitamins and minerals.

With that much nutrition packed in to one little, tiny bean, it makes us wonder why we really only hear about or eat black eyed peas on a single day of the year. (more…)

Indian Railways to Offer Diet-Friendly Options

TrainTraveling by air or train easily turns into a diet nightmare as unhealthy snacks and fast food dominates airports, train stations and dinning cars. But Indian Railways is breaking away from this trend, and will soon introduce a simple and healthy menu to passengers. The new menu is designed to accommodate people with allergies and those who are counting calories.

The transportation company introduced diabetic meals in October of 2025, which were extremely well-received. “The sugar-free diet has scored a huge hit among those who have been strictly instructed by their doctors to consume less calories. We hope diet food will solve the crisis for passengers with ailments and those who are wary of spicy food,” said a senior railway official.


Jenny Craig Metabolic Max Personalizes Your Diet Resolution

The wildly popular and well respected Jenny Craig has ventured out of the “one size fits all” diet realm. The Jenny Craig Metabolic Max Program offers a personalized plan suited to each individual’s metabolism.

With the Metabolic Max Program, you will enjoy the trademarked one-on-one support from Jenny Craig and Jenny’s Cuisine just like with the original Jenny Craig weight loss system. While on the program, you will eat three meals a day and one snack. The majority of the food you eat will be Jenny’s Cuisine, a prepackaged meal system that is brought right to your home.

What sets Metabolic Max apart is that it includes a BodyMedia FIT Armband and BodyMedia FIT Activity Manager. The BodyMedia FIT products allow you to better log your activity level, calorie consumption and calories burned.


Alcohol Also Slows Your Metabolism

A lot of people think alcohol is such a dieting disaster because of the excess calories, but it harms your weight loss efforts in a different way, too.

The majority of the population today fails to lose weight or stick to a weight management program due to the fact that they refuse to make the simple lifestyle changes necessary to do so. Everyone knows the difference between a high fat diet, full of hamburgers and french fries, and a low fat diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables. Everyone knows the benefits of exercise and how it can impact their lives for the better.

Another big issue today is alcohol. Alcohol is a total diet killer and completely harmful to the body. Alcoholic drinks are not only diuretics, but full of empty calories, loaded with sugar and salt, hinders performance, and can lead to severe liver diseases.


SMART Planning for New Year’s Resolution Success

Want to know about getting a jump start on lifestyle changes that commonly begin after the New Year? Here are a few reader question favorites from “Ask Mary Q+As” about planning for change.

Ask Mary: Where should I start with my healthy lifestyle change?

Start with changing one thing and add others over time. It’s always best to practice the change that brings you the most joy. To find the parts of your diet in need of change, keep a food log for 3 to 7 days – before changing the way you eat. Do you snack between meals, frequently eat in restaurants, or neglect to eat at least 5 fruits or vegetables a day? Would you like to give up soda or might you prefer to slowdown your eating? Each change is noble and should be greeted as an adventure. Once you decide upon a change to make, set a S-M-A-R-T goal that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. For instance, instead of saying, “I’m going to exercise”, get S-M-A-R-T. Say, “I will walk for 20 minutes at lunchtime Monday through Thursday”. Then envision yourself easily reaching your goal and you’re part way there!
