Diet and Nutrition

Morbidly Obese Eat Free at Heart Attack Grill

There are fast food restaurants, and then there are fast food restaurants that put the rest of them to shame. Such is the case with the oft maligned Heart Attack Grill in Chandler, AZ.

Profiled in the media for their insane menu, which consists of the biggest burgers available (called the single, double, triple and quadruple bypass burgers), fries deep fried in lard, butterfat shakes, no filter cigarettes and Jolt Cola, they’ve recently come under fire for their newest promotion and spokesman.


Energy Drinks Linked to Alcohol Abuse

Energy drinks have long been a source of controversy, but lately they have come under fire, particularly an alcoholic brand Four Loko, following reports of hospitalizations and even deaths tied to the pick-me-up drinks.

Now there’s a study that links regular energy drink use to alcohol abuse. The study found that college students who consume energy drinks at least once a week are more than twice as likely as their peers to show signs of alcohol dependence. This can include symptoms of withdrawal and the inability to cut back on drinking.

The most interesting, and maybe controversial, part of the study is that the drinks don’t have to be mixed with alcohol to lead to alcoholism. (more…)

Kelly Osbourne Flaunts Bikini Body on the Cover of Shape Magazine

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From drugs to food, Kelly Osbourne has played out some very serious health battles in the limelight of the paparazzi and gossip magazines. She once made the very true, yet unfortunate statement that her battle with her weight made more headlines than her near-death battle with drugs.

So it should come as no surprise that as the former contestant of Dancing with the Stars, graces the cover of this month’s Shape magazine in her size-2 bikini-clad body, gossip websites and celebrity blogs are on fire with just how amazing this pint-sized young starlet looks. (more…)

Survey Explains Why Restaurants Won’t Cut Calories

Due to our busy, hectic schedules, more of us are eating out these days, and we all know how hard it can be to eat healthy at a restaurant. From growing portion sizes to sneaky ways that restaurants add extra butter, other high-calorie foods and salt to meals, eating healthy can be tough! But a new study from Penn State researchers reports that most restaurant chefs could easily slash 10 percent of calories in their dishes without customers even noticing. It may not seem like a lot, but even cutting 100 calories out of American’s diet a day can have huge health and weight-loss benefits, the researchers say.


5 Proven Ways to Stop Yo-Yo Dieting

John McGran, chief editor at Diet-to-Go, has been covering the fields of diet, fitness and health since 2000. He writes from the perspective of a dieter rather than a dietitian.

They call it the yo-yo effect – losing weight only to gain back the lost pounds and more. It’s one of the most frustrating occurrences for dieters. But if you follow five simple tactics, you will avoid regaining lost weight.

1. React quickly – It’s natural for your weight to fluctuate a few pounds, but if you see the scale needle jump five pounds, take action NOW! Don’t wait until you find yourself on that slippery slope back to your old weight. Simply renew your commitment and pick up the calorie-burning pace of your fitness plan and you’ll see the extra weight come off again. (more…)

Four Fast Fixes for Your Sweet Tooth

Even though it’s my personal philosophy that if you’re going to have a treat, it should be a really good, high-quality treat in a smaller-than-average portion, especially if you’re trying to lose pounds or maintain a certain number on the scale.

Of course, there are times when a tablespoon of chocolate chips just won’t do and purchasing an entire pint of premium ice cream for just a few bites is more dangerous then it’s worth. For those times, I have a few go-to sweets to tide me over until I’m ready to go for a bigger splurge.


Natalie Portman’s Ballerina Diet

Natalie Portman in Black SwanActress Natalie Portman portrays a prima ballerina in the upcoming film Black Swan, and she was determined to look the part. “[Natalie] took [the role] very seriously,” said director Darren Aronofsky. “These dancers get really, really skinny.”

Natalie took her diet and workouts to such an extreme that Darren began to worry about her. “At a certain point I looked at her back and she was so skinny and so cut — I was like, ‘Natalie, start eating,’” Darren told Access Hollywood. “I made sure she had a bunch of food in her trailer.”

The 29-year-old actress said she’s glad to be done with the filming, so that she can go back to her normal eating habits. Portman is a vocal supporter of vegetarianism, and indulged in pasta when shooting ended. “It was pretty immediate. I was ready to leave the ballet life,” she said. “I was like, ‘Please don’t let there be re-shoots for this [film] because I don’t think I could get back into the costumes!’”


Five Healthy Cold Weather Breakfast Recipes

I’m not going to tell you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You already know, you’ve heard that one before. Breakfast is also the meal that people commonly skip, especially in the winter when cold weather and dreary skies force us to stay in bed for “just five more minutes.”

When it’s cold outdoors, jump-start your day with a warm breakfast that will help keep your belly full and your mind focused all morning.


Releana is a Patented hCG Drop That Guarantees Weight Loss

The hCG diet and its accompanying products, cookbooks and guides offers a niche resource for a small but passionate group of dieters who swear by the hormone to facilitate rapid weight loss.

Whether it’s an injection or drop, all hCG diets are flanked by an ultra low calorie diet of about 500 to 800 calories a day. Considered a near starvation diet by many health and nutrition experts, the lack of food on the plan is a major criticizing point for those in the diet industry. Who couldn’t lose significant amounts of weight by subsisting on such a sparse eating plan?

For those who are new to the hCG diet, hCG is a natural hormone which stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. hCG production surges during pregnancy. Recently, it has become a sought after but controversial darling of the diet industry because of its supposed ability to break down the body’s abnormal fat, causing you to lose inches and drop pounds very quickly.  (more…)

Freshman 15 is Just the Beginning of Weight Gain for College Students

Written by Jessie Gorges

With obesity becoming increasingly prevalent, it’s no surprise that college students are leading inactive lifestyles. But what’s surprising is that the “Freshman 15” no longer applies to freshmen.

Students are more likely to gain weight their sophomore, junior and senior years. A recent study shows that college students become increasingly more sedentary within their last years of higher education.

“Basically, students came out of college significantly less active and heavier compared to the start of their freshman year,” Jeanne Johnston said. “But it is a gradual process.”


Food Safety 101: Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

Thanksgiving and the winter holidays are a special time for families to gather around the table to give thanks and celebrate.  It’s also a time of year when inexperienced and new cooks attempt new recipes and food preparation methods. Sometimes improper handling of foods can lead to food borne illness and food poisoning.

“Food poisoning is highly preventable,” said Dr. Richard Geller, executive medical director of California Poison Control System.  “By following simple storage, handling and cooking suggestions, families can stay healthy and enjoy Thanksgiving dinner, as well as the many other celebrations taking place this time of year.” (more…)