Diet and Nutrition

Gwyneth Paltrow Discusses Vitamin D

Did you know that Vitamin D can help prevent up to 16 different types of cancers? In Gwyneth Paltrow’s latest GOOP newsletter, she discusses Vitamin D with Dr. Frank Lipman, author of “Revive: Stop Feeling Spent and Start Living Again.”

This amazing vitamin has so many benefits, that it is important that each person ensure that they get enough. How much one person needs depends on age, weight, amount of sun exposure and use of sun screen, along with seasonality throughout the year.

Highlights from what Dr. Frank Lipman shared in the newsletter are as follows:


Orthorexia: Is This Eating Disorder Trend or Foe?

Leslie P. Schilling, MA, RD, CSSD owns Schilling Nutrition Therapy, LLC in Memphis, TN where she specializes in disordered eating and sports nutrition. She provides nutrition programs and presentations to teams and professionals across the nation.

In a nation full of people stricken with chronic diseases, many linked to lifestyle choices, why would we worry about those engrossed with healthy eating?  You may have heard the term “orthorexia” in the media and even in conversation. Orthorexia nervosa was first termed by Steven Bratman, MD in 1996 and published in Yoga Journal in 1997. A dissection of the phrase translates to straight or correct (Ortho), desire or appetite (-orexia) and obsession (Nervosa). Bratman suggests that the term wasn’t one so much of clinical meaning as it was a way of teasing his patients with an unhealthy fixation on their way of “healthy eating.” But, has it become our newest eating disorder? (more…)

Snooki Does the Cookie Diet

The tiny little powerhouse from Jersey Shore known as Snooki wants to lose some weight. At a petite 4’10” tall, 110 pounds is a lot for her, stating that she used to be a fit cheerleader at 90 pounds. To drop her goal of 10 pounds, she’s going to follow the Dr. Siegal’s Cookie Diet.

Watch now as she talks about her unhealthy habits that helped her put on the weight, and why Dr. Siegal agrees that on someone of her size ten pounds is reasonable.

Miley Cyrus’s ‘5 Factors’ to Fitness

Showing off long toned legs in a black body suit at the Rock in Rio, Miley Cyrus proves that she’s really taking her body and fitness seriously. Cyrus has used trainer to the stars Harley Pasternak since she was 14, and it shows. Cyrus also follows Pasternak’s 5-Factor Fitness Diet, long credited with helping stars such as Halle Berry and Jessica Simpson look amazing.


Recipes for National Eat Your Vegetables Day

Today, June 17, is National Eat Your Vegetables Day. (It seems like everything has a day, doesn’t it?) Vegetables are the much maligned aspect of any diet. Everyone knows they should be eating them, but no one really wants to do it. Vegetables aren’t usually a favorite; often people have negative connotations from childhood and if you weren’t exposed to eating fresh veggies in your childhood, it can be difficult to change your taste buds. Most vegetables are low in calories and chock full of necessary vitamins and fiber, so adding more vegetables to your daily intake is a great ticket to weight loss.

Try some of these great recipes to transform your diet from blah to wow!

Or, peruse our entire library of healthy vegetable recipes.

hCG Diet Review

Dr. Michael Snyder

With loyal and passionate followers and and concerned naysayers, the hCG diet is one of the most controversial diets on the market today. In order to offer the readers with a medical and scientific perspective, we interviewed Dr. Michael Snyder, a weight loss surgeon and the founder of FullBar, to share his medical opinion about the hCG diet.

What is hCG?

hCG is a naturally-occurring hormone. But just because it’s natural, doesn’t mean that it’s safe.

Increased amounts of hCG are part of a common physiological process, such as in the instance of pregnancy, but they are also markers of severe pathological problems as well, such as malignancies.

Does hCG work?

I have seen no indication that ingesting hCG increases your blood level of it. Your body, just like it would digest a piece of chicken, is going to digest hCG and break it down. (more…)

Lead Found in Many Children’s Foods

The Environmental Law Foundation recently studied almost 150 varieties of beverages and fruit snacks marketed to children and discovered that more than 75 percent of the items contained extremely high levels of lead. Some of the highest levels were found in favorite juice boxes, drink pouches and fruit cups that appear in lunchboxes all over America.

The study included apple juice, grape juice, packaged pears, peaches and fruit cocktail mixes, as well as baby foods. No one label was free from a level of lead that could cause problems and organic products were even contaminated with surprising levels of lead. The major producers of juice – Welch’s, Dole and Minute Maid – were contaminated, but in an unusual twist, many store labels and smaller brands were listed as well.


Prenatal Yoga Benefits Pregnant Women and Postpartum

Just recently I had my first child, a little girl. Before I got pregnant, I had a lot of nerves about what would happen to my body during and, maybe more importantly, after. I don’t think this is a foreign thought for most women who have babies. We give up a lot of ourselves in this process, and yet I’m finding we gain so much more. (Especially around the middle!)

One of the things that helped me throughout my pregnancy, and is now helping me in my recovery, is prenatal yoga. I was a total yoga newcomer, but had heard such great things about the activity that I thought I’d give it a try. And I’m so glad that I did!

Following the advice of my doctor to wait until the second trimester, I attended my first class at 14 weeks. I left that class feeling better than I had in weeks, and I was hooked.

From personal experience, I can say that these are some of the benefits I enjoyed from practicing prenatal yoga. (more…)

Subway Bread has More High Fructose Corn Syrup Than Whole Grains

We hear all the time that we aren’t supposed to eat fast food because of all the unhealthy ingredients, fat and calories. So instead, we’re told that Subway is the healthy alternative to burgers, nuggets and fries. We’ve watched for years as Jared Fogle, “the Subway guy,” has promoted eating at the sandwich restaurant for weight loss. And the subs are a mainstay in the Biggest Loser diet. So it should be good for us without question, right?

Well, David Zinczenko, author of the Eat This, Not That series, argues otherwise. In a short list on The Truth About Your Food at Yahoo, he lifts the veil on the ingredients label of some of our favorite foods. While there aren’t any misconceptions about other foods on the list like Doritos and Skittles, the one surprising inclusion is Subway. Namely their fresh-baked bread.

Setting the Subway 9-grain wheat in his crosshairs, Zinczenko fires at not only the lack of nutritional value, but the very poor ingredients that are used. Most health-conscious consumers probably ask for the 9-grain wheat sub as opposed to the plain-white because of the nutritional value, but his findings reveal you might as well get the white. (more…)

Biggest Loser Recipe: Grilled Shrimp Salad with Avocado Aioli

With season nine of The Biggest Loser wrapped up, you may be wondering where you can get your latest Biggest Loser fix. Cheryl Forberg, RD, the show’s dietitian, has a book out – Six Weeks to a Healthier You – which focuses on quality foods that provide a powerhouse of nutrients for the calories.

In this video, Cheryl shares one of her recipes from the book, a Grilled Shrimp Salad with an Avocado Aioli. The avocado aioli has over 20 vitamins and minerals and heart healthy, unsaturated fats. With help from avocados and Greek yogurt, the luscious and creamy quality of the aioli gives you a nutrient dense alternative to the typical bottled creamy dressing high in saturated fat.


Moms Working Leads to Obese Children

The old-fashioned ideal of having mom at home and dad at work, and still being able to make ends meet (or even prosper) on one income has long been pushed aside. Sure, there are exceptions, and even in some cases like my own, there are dads who work from home with the kids, and mom is off working a traditional 9 to 5 job.

But, the modern reality of both parents working is proving to have an impact on children in relation to their weight. New research has found that the increase in moms working has a distinct relation to the rise of childhood obesity.
