Diet and Nutrition

Pros and Cons of Milk Alternatives

This article is brought to you by our Biggest Loser newsletter sponsors – The Biggest Loser Resort at Fitness Ridge. Guest Blogger Emily Fonnesbeck RD,CD is the Registered Dietitian for the Biggest Loser Resort.

If you have visited the spa, you know that we don’t serve cow’s milk. Instead, we use alternatives such as rice milk, almond milk and soy milk. I get a lot of questions about the difference between these milks such as protein and sugar content, the benefits of each and which would be the best choice. They are all very different, with their own pros and cons. The key is to find which is best for YOU. (more…)

The Causes of Emotional Eating

In times of stress, many people reach to favorite foods for comfort. I would even venture to say that every one has done it at some point. Why is this such a common coping technique?

One reason that we eat when stressed is for the physical energy. Foods with simple carbohydrates (like sweets) can provide a quick burst of energy. Physical and/or mental energy is necessary to help us confront the stressor that is causing distress. Yes, simple carbohydrates may provide a quick burst of energy, but what isn’t used is stored.


Nuts Help Lower Cholesterol

According to a recent review of 25 studies, eating 67g of nuts on average every day – a portion the size of a small bag – reduces cholesterol levels by 7.4 percent.

The research team at Loma Linda University in Southern California believe that nuts help block the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream

“Increasing the consumption of nuts as part of an otherwise prudent diet can be expected to favorably affect blood lipid levels (at least in the short term) and have the potential to lower CHD [coronary heart disease] risk,” say the researchers in a prepared statement.


Kids Are Eating Fruit in Creative Ways

If you are a parent struggling to get fruit in your kids’ diets you have probably tried the technique of sneaking fruits and vegetables in their food, or even giving the vegetables funny names which I spoke about “in the news” for our Natural Health newsletter.

According to a study done by Dutch researchers, one effective way to get kids to eat their produce is to make the food look appealing and fun. In children ages 4 to 7 years old, kids ate close to twice as much when the fruit was presented in a fun and likable way.


Walmart to Donate 1.1 Billion Pounds of Food

Walmart recently announced a plan to ramp up their donations over the next five years to food banks across the country, which will total $2 billion dollars. This more than doubles their current donation amount, which comes at a good time when the number of Americans needing assistance is on the rise.

The plan as it has been outlined will consist of splitting up the funds that are utilized to purchase refrigerated trucks used to help keep meat and produce last longer as they are transported from Walmart stores to the various charities.


Tune In: Healthy Eating at Amusement Parks and the Ball Park on the Rachael Ray Show

Tune in this Monday, May 17 to the Rachael Ray Show to learn how to eat healthy at the summertime events like amusement parks and the ballpark.

From corn dogs to soft pretzels, find out the healthiest treats to grab once you get off the roller-coaster. And while you’re spending a summer evening watching America’s favorite past-time, find out which snacks at the ballpark will hit a home run with your diet and which treats strike out.


Tune In: Results of the Shape Your Shape Challenge on The Tyra Show

Tune in this Friday, May 21 to The Tyra Show to see the results of Tyra’s Shape in Shape Challenge.

Last year, Tyra Banks publicly discussed how she got her shape into shape with the help of her own nutritionist, Heather Bauer, RD, author of The Wall Street Diet.


Busting Food Myths, Part Two

Last week we started busting food myths, which included whether eggs spike your cholesterol and what alcoholic drinks have health benefits. This week we finish the series with a focus on produce and caffeine. If you have any other food myths that you would like busted, let us know and we will bring you the facts!

Myth: Fresh vegetables and fruits are more nutritious than frozen ones.

Fact: The truth of the matter is that not everyone has access to a farmers’ market where produce can be purchased very soon after it has been pulled from the ground. With that said, the produce you are buying in your grocery story is very likely older than you think.


What to Serve During National Salad Month

National Salad Month is more than half way over – have you enjoyed a new salad? Or are you stuck in the same rut and sick to death of yet another bowl of green stuff?

Salads are a great addition to any meal, allowing you to enjoy a variety of fresh produce and really up your fruit and vegetable intake. It may be a challenge, though, to get away from the standard “Iceberg Lettuce and Tomato Wedges” salad that often comes to mind. Remember that the darker the greens, the higher in nutrition, so make sure that you start your salad with a healthy base. But what else? Why not try some of these great additions to your next salad?


IHOP’s New Pancake Stacker Rivals KFC Double Down

On April 12th, KFC debuted its new Double Down Chicken Sandwich, boasting 540 calories and 32 grams of fat. Just a few weeks after KFC’s announcement, IHOP has one of its own – the IHOP pancake stacker available through June 20th.

IHOP, known for their pancakes and whose restaurants serve over 700 million pancakes a year are “giving our guests another reason to come to IHOP” as stated by the Carolyn O’Keefe, IHOP’s senior vice president of marketing.


Oprah Says “No More Dieting”

Perhaps you saw Geneen Roth, author of Women, Food and God, on the Oprah Show. If you didn’t and you’re someone who has ever dieted or battled with their weight, then please, do your body, mind and soul a favor and track down the already-aired episode online.

Roth’s appearance and more notably, her message to women and men, has already created a small movement as women all over the country are waking up this morning, thinking just a bit more thoughtfully about why they are reaching for a second blueberry muffin or polishing off their kid’s unfinished mac & cheese.

In reference to Women, Food and God and from the words of Oprah herself, whose own battle with her weight has created as much media awareness as global warming, “This book is an opportunity to finally end the war with weight and unlock the door to freedom.”
