Diet and Nutrition

Health Effects of Pregnancy on a Woman’s Body

Stretch marks. Varicose veins. Postpartum depression. Exhaustion.pregnancy and yoga ball

Pregnancy does a number on your body, but happily, many of those changes are temporary. At the end, you have a beautiful baby to show for it. What you don’t know, though, is that some of the changes that your body goes through can raise the risk of other struggles later in your life.

For example, if you suffered from pre-eclampsia during your pregnancy, you may show symptoms of heart disease as many as three years sooner than those women who had normal blood pressure readings. Make sure to keep track of your blood pressure readings at every check up. (more…)

How to Manage the Cold or Flu with Diabetes

ada logoThis guest blog was written exclusively for from The American Diabetes Association, an organization that is leading the fight against the deadly consequences of diabetes and fighting for those affected by diabetes in commemoration of American Diabetes Awareness Month. The Association funds research to prevent, cure and manage diabetes; delivers services to hundreds of communities; provides objective and credible information; and gives voice to those denied their rights because of diabetes. Founded in 1940, our mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. For more information please call your local American Diabetes Association office at 1-888-DIABETES (1-888-342-2383) or visit The American Diabetes Association.

Runny nose. Upset stomach. Whatever illness it is, it can make you feel miserable. It is hard enough to be under the weather but it is even more difficult to handle being sick if you have diabetes. 

According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), people with diabetes who develop an illness are at risk for serious complications if they don’t take care of their diabetes.  Blood glucose levels can increase or decrease to dangerous levels if left unchecked. Ketones, a waste product created when the body begins to use stored fat for energy, can build up, especially in those with type 1 diabetes, if a person does not take insulin at regular intervals.  Left unmonitored, high ketone levels can lead to ketoacidosis, which can lead to coma or death.


Vitamin Guide from A to Zinc: Vitamin A

carrotsIf you have ever heard the suggestion to eat your carrots for good vision, you were actually being told to eat a food high in vitamin A.

Vitamin A not only helps with vision but it is an antioxidant, which means that this substance can prevent damage to our bodies’ cells and also help with repairing damage. Additionally, vitamin A helps with maintaining our skin tissue and it is necessary for our cell growth. It also helps fight off infection, which in addition to the benefits listed above, makes vitamin A essential for our bodies.


Five Simple Ways to Stay in Shape

healthyMaking the decision to get into shape can be an enormous thing, overwhelming and stress inducing. Instead of setting a far off goal – I’m going to lose 150 pounds and run the NYC Marathon! – why not focus on making small changes that can add up, over time, to a healthier, more fit you? You will be able to make that larger goal more easily obtainable and be successful before you know it!


How to Have a Healthy Black Friday

black fridayThe day after Thanksgiving is typically called Black Friday by retailers – the day that many businesses use to pull themselves into “the black.” It is a day that many of us rise early, stand in long lines, and shop until we drop. We usually don’t get enough sleep, eat on the run and the only exercise that we experience is shoving past other shoppers to be the first to get a deeply discounted television set. How can we make sure that we don’t lose our healthy habits on this first and biggest official shopping day?

Make sure that you begin the day before, with Thanksgiving. Eat sensibly. After your big meal, engage in light exercise – maybe a walk with your family after dinner, or challenge your spouse to a Wii fitness show down. If you plan to rise before dawn to get the the shops early, be certain to plan for an earlier than normal bedtime. Count backwards to see when you need to go to sleep in order to obtain at least seven hours of sleep. Eat a healthy, low-fat breakfast – perhaps a bowl of oatmeal with dried fruits and nuts, or a fruit smoothie. (more…)

Last Minute Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes and Tips

turkeyDid you wake up and realize today’s Thanksgiving? If you promised to bring something with you or feel like the spread could use one more dish, make your last-ditch recipe effort a healthy one with some of these picks from

They’re sure to please a crowd, plus it might be the most guilt-free thing on your plate!

Snack Smart to Keep Energy High Before Thanksgiving Day

thanksgiving stressI can almost hear the hustle and bustle that’s the hallmark of the holiday season. If you are entertaining this Thanksgiving, you may be stressing about finding that perfect local, organic, free-range turkey who got a hug before he met his demise or you may be worrying about how to keep Aunt Edna out of the kitchen so she doesn’t make that disgusting “sweet potato casserole” with marshmallows in the microwave.

Whatever your holiday deal, you will be busy and when you’re busy you might forget the important things, like say…. oh…. eating! Never fear, your diet diva is here. Read on to find out some of the best high energy snacks you can grab in a pinch. (more…)

DietTribe Recap Episode Seven

diettribeThis past week on DietTribe, the women went away on a weekend adventure to San Diego where they played softball with the U.S. Women’s National Softball team. Lavished with spa treatment including a delicious and portion-controlled meal with their trainer Jessie, dips in the hotel swimming pool, and heartfelt chats in a steamy hot tub, the ladies had a chance to relax, focus on themselves and have some fun.

One of the highlights of episode seven was a surfing lesson that all of the DietTribe members had an opportunity to participate in. Complete with wet suits, polished surf boards and some decent beginner waves, they rode the crests on their bellies, knees and even for a few seconds, on their feet, as they got their adrenaline pumping with a real surfing workout.


Turning 40 and What it Means for Fitness

40 birthdayRecently, I turned 40. It was a monumental event, heralded with much fanfare and celebration. (I may or may not have had a severe headache the next day. Ahem.) In talking with many of my friends about the big 4-0, all of them said the same thing. “Your body will never be the same,” one muttered darkly. When I asked why, she just sighed. “Remember how your body changed after you had a baby or two? It’s just like that, only worse, when you turn 40. It’s all downhill from here.”

I laughed it off, but wondered if there was any truth to the matter.

I may not be OLD yet, but I do know one truth – the older I get, the more work it takes to maintain where I am right now. In my 20s, and partly into my 30s, I could skip an exercise session (or two, or three) and have very little change to my body. I could eat what I wanted, when I wanted (hello, chocolate cake for breakfast, anyone?) and my jeans still fit. Well, starting in my mid-30s, I had to be more vigilant, and I think that this trend is just going to intensify as I get older. What do I plan to do to keep myself in shape and age gracefully? (more…)

Clear Communication Key for Life Changes

jillian michaels and amy cremenAnyone who has watched even a commercial for the Biggest Loser knows that Jillian Michaels yells and she packs a lot of intimidation into her 120 pounds. I know that she cares, I have witnessed phone calls to her contestants when the cameras aren’t on, I know she gets the emotional issues involved in weight gain and weight loss, but sometimes even I wonder why does Jillian sound so mean? My concern is generally if the people whom she is helping are even able to hear her caring and concern through the yelling.

So many times, in communication, the message can be lost in the delivery. If I am too challenging, as a therapist, before a client trusts me and knows everything I say comes from the motivation to encourage, equip, and empower, then that client can feel judged, which is never my goal. (more…)

How One Woman Achieved Weight Loss Success

suzanne zaleskiGuest blogger, Suzanne Zaleski is an account manager at Six Sigma Blackbelt in Indianapolis. She is also a strong supporter of philanthropic organizations and is seeking to use her newfound love for running as a platform for charitable contributions.

Over several years I gained weight by overeating and being inactive. I slept poorly, was stressed out and had headaches daily. My energy level was lower than ever. The calories I needed to feel full kept increasing and my largest sizes became snug. Finally one day I had enough. I became committed to get back in shape. 

I reduced my caloric intake to 1,200 per day. My diet included dairy, monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), fresh fruits and veggies, fiber-rich foods and a gallon of water every day. Drinking water before and during eating helped me feel full. Over time it was hard to finish the small portions on the diet.

