Diet and Nutrition

Food Finds: California Almonds Snack Packs

If there is one thing that I always try to communicate about managing your weight, it is definitely portion control. High calorie foods need to be consumed in smaller portions to keep total calories in check. Even healthy foods like salmon, avocado, and nuts that provide healthy fats need portion control, or you could be going over budget and the next thing you know the numbers on the scale don’t budge and you aren’t happy.

That’s why I was thrilled to see this cute idea from the California Almond Board for easy portion control and portability.


Tune In: Eat This, Not That for a Healthy Halloween on Rachael Ray

rachael rayTune in this Friday, October 30 to the Rachael Ray Show when she invites Eat This, Not That guru David Zinczenko to share his favorite tricks for healthy Halloween treats.

Learn how to play with some of your favorite Halloween recipes so that they won’t send you into a sugar coma. You will also learn how to turn a protein-packed egg into a ghoulish-looking eyeball. Sounds funky?


Food Finds: 100 Calorie Tortillas from La Tortilla Factory

La Tortilla Factory, better known for their low-carb tortillas, have come out with a new (huge) 100 calorie, whole grain tortilla. One of these bad boys will give you 8 grams of fiber, 20% of your daily calcium needs, and 8% your daily iron needs.

Watch my video for more tips and recipe ideas with these whole wheat, 100 calorie tortillas.


Top 10 Ways To Prevent Overeating

man hamburgerOvereating has become a huge problem these days and I know we are all guilty of it every now and then. The majority of Americans eat due to boredom or depression. By keeping ourselves busy, active, and out of stressful/depressing situations, we can beat this phenomenon.

Overeating not only causes rapid weight gain, but high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, or even a ruptured stomach can be result. Serving sizes have been blow out of proportion these days and can actually be rather scary. Below are the recommended serving sizes as well as a few helpful tips to prevent overeating. (more…)

Whey Protein Supports Weight Loss

whey proteinWhey is a milk protein that is a popular ingredient in fitness drink mixes. If you use whey protein in concert with a healthy diet and fitness regimen, you will have a better chance of developing lean muscles and lose weight. That’s because whey supports fat burning and gaining lean muscle mass when consumed before exercise.

Where Whey Comes From

Whey protein is a by-product of the process of turning cow’s milk into cheese. There are two types of milk proteins: casein and whey protein. Within the whey category, there are three major forms that are used for weight loss and fitness purposes: whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, and whey protein hydrolysate. (more…)

Smart Choices Grocery Program Discontinued

smart choicesThe Smart Choices Grocery Program, the very program that DietsInReview panned last month, has been voluntarily discontinued. Officials with Smart Choices said that the group will “postpone” active operations and not encourage wider use of the logo while the FDA investigates labeling issues, reported MSNBC over the weekend.

The FDA cited the use of multiple nutritional markers on foods, from check marks to stars, icons and even numerical ratings, that can overwhelm the consumer and in reality label foods healthier than they really might be. Foods could contain as much as 50% sugar and still receive the green check mark if they had extra fiber or were high in one of twenty nutrients. In my book, there’s not one food that is 50% sugar that I’d label as “healthy.” (more…)

Food Finds: Cabot Reduced-Fat Sharp Cheddar Cheese

Who doesn’t love cheese? I know I do. The big problem with cheese is the saturated fat content. This is an unhealthy fat that you should limit. Cabot makes is easy by taking out most of the fat. That means when the fat is low, the protein is higher and protein helps you stay full.


10 Simple Ways to a Healthier You

Being healthy isn’t all about just hitting the gym and eating right, although it helps; there is much more involved in the health equation. It is recommended that you get at least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day at least five days per week. I understand that exercising is a huge time commitment and that life is busy, but try to follow the recommendations the best you can.healthy family

Remember, if you are not breaking a sweat, you are not working hard enough!

So, putting exercise aside, being healthy mentally and physically requires a lot more than just getting the heart rate up. Below are 10 simple ways to a healthier you! Each of the following will help increase your energy levels and in turn, better workouts and more productive days will be the result. (more…)

Calories in Your Favorite Halloween Candy

halloween candyWho doesn’t love Halloween? With free candy and a bonafide reason to dress up in a wacky get-up, it’s tough not to have a secret soft-spot for this sugary-sweet holiday.

While we all make Halloween resolutions such as “I’ll only allow myself two pieces of candy,” or “I’m donating all leftover candy to the local soup kitchen,” you can safely indulge in your favorite Halloween treats without harboring guilt or using a padlock to protect yourself from raiding your child’s Halloween bag. Need proof? Here’s a look at the nutritional stats of some of your favorite spooky-time eats so that you can savor the fun of this holiday and still look great in your skinny jeans. Plan these nibbles into your daily calorie budget.

  • Four plain Hershey’s Kisses: 104 calories
  • One fun-sized pack of plain M&M’s: 88 calories
  • One fun-sized pack of peanut M&M’s: 93 calories (more…)

How to Dine Out: Thai Food

thai spring rollsI already had a love for Thai food years ago, but deepened that love on my honeymoon, when I went to Thailand. Hotels featuring pad Thai at breakfast was like a dream come true, but of course I wasn’t watching my calorie intake on the trip and wasn’t focusing on which entrees were healthier than others.

While not all Thai food utilizes coconut milk, it certainly can play a large roll, especially in the famous curry dishes. Coconut milk is loaded with saturated fat (not the good fat) with 45 grams per one cup, but has been shown in studies to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. My first tip here is to go light on any dishes made with coconut milk or inquire to see if they have a lighter version of coconut milk that your meal can be made with instead. If selecting a curry dish, stick with leaner protein options like chicken. (more…)

Mary Lasnier Interview – DietTribe Season 2

We’re just about three weeks into DietTribe‘s season two. had a chance to chat with one of the tribe members, Mary Lasnier, a working-turned-stay-at-home-mom who saw the weight creep on (and never creep off) after giving birth to her second child.mary lasnier diettribe

Motivated to accomplish her goal of losing 50 pounds, Mary dished with us about her reasons for joining the weight loss reality show and how she will keep up the momentum of her newly-discovered healthy habits once the show wraps up.

What led you to being on DietTribe?

The idea was brought to me by my dear friend, LaNessa, another DietTribe member. I, fortunately or unfortunately, fell into that category of someone who needed to lose weight. I never had an issue with food or my weight until I had my second child and the pregnancy weight never came off. (more…)