Diet and Nutrition

Setting Sugar Straight: What Matters Most for Weight Management

I have found in my private nutrition practice that people misunderstand sugar. Dietitians are most concerned with helping you limit “added sugars.” This is sugar that food manufacturers add to products to make them sweeter. The problem is that added sugars are not listed separate from naturally occurring sugars on the food label so you have to play detective and find the “sugar sources” on the ingredients list.

Watch my video on sugar in foods to help set the record straight on what you should look for.


We Love Chobani Greek Yogurt

Not just love – but possibly obsessed! You’re probably thinking “Greek yogurt’s Greek yogurt.” Sure, for the most part you could probably line them all up next to one another and not tell a big difference. Until you put Chobani in the line-up. chobani pomegranate

Chobani is different because they are a fruit on the bottom Greek yogurt.

I first tried the 0% Pomegranate Chobani, and I was instantly hooked. Unlike those other fruit on the bottom yogurts, this wasn’t a big, syrupy mess. The flavor was light, and it’s full of those sweet and crunchy arils, the pomegranate seeds. As if the arils didn’t pack enough antioxidants, for a filling afternoon snack I added a handful of fresh blueberries. Pomegranate nutrition facts for a single-serving six-ounce cup: (more…)

Five Ways to Indulge Wisely on a Diet

Oreo cheesecakeFor the majority of your meals, you are the veritable poster child for healthy eating: You easily get in your veggie quota for the day, you always eat breakfast and you exercise on most days of the week. But when it comes to certain foods, all willpower seems to go down the drain. Take for instance McDonald’s new line of Angus Burgers. There is no disputing that these three burgers contain some pretty dismal nutrition facts.

But every now and then, even the most healthy of nutrition experts believe in the benefits of indulging in your favorite eats in order to keep feelings of deprivation at bay.

Here are five ways to indulge without letting it completely sideline your health and diet goals. (more…)

How to Determine Your Daily Calorie Needs

counting caloriesI have to say as a dietitian, I don’t like focusing on “how many calories do I need?” with my clients. I think there’s a certain value in knowing what you need for daily activities and exercise and determining how many calories you should cut to lose weight safely.

However, my clients have been very successful with losing weight with behavioral changes that don’t involve counting calories. In this post, I’ll give you a few tips for calculating your calorie needs (because I know you want to know) and I will give you a few suggestions that have really helped my clients drop a few pounds without needing a calculator and a math degree. (more…)

Fried and Fatty Food May Cause Ulcerative Colitis

cheeseburgerWe all know about the bad health affects of fried foods and too much red meat. But now those foods may be responsible for developing the serious bowel condition known as ulcerative colitis.

Researchers found a connection between linoleic acid, a type of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid found in red meat and fried foods, and ulcerative colitis. More specifically, the researchers found that those people they examined who had a diet higher in linoleic acid were nearly two and a half times more likely to develop ulcerative colitis than those who ate the least of it. (more…)

HCG Diet: Look Elsewhere for Weight Loss

UPDATE: See our interview: hCG Diet Reviewed by FullBar’s Dr. Michael Snyder

You won’t see me promoting quick fixes or fad diets anytime soon. But every once in awhile something comes along that seems so dangerous I have to call it out. That’s why I’m going to help reveal the truth behind the HCG diet.hcg injections

What it is: HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone produced during pregnancy by the cells that form the placenta. This hormone is detected in the blood around 11 days after conception; it is detected in the urine around 12-14 days after conception. While it is most commonly associated with pregnancy, it is present in both genders.

What it does in the body: HCG signals the hypothalamus (area of the brain that affects metabolism) to mobilize fat stores. In pregnancy, this helps the body bring nutrients into the placenta, fueling the fetus with the energy to grow. (more…)

Gwyneth Paltrow’s “Clean” 3-Week Detox Diet

gwyneth paltrow From the Master Cleanse to the all-juice fasts, detox diets are as popular as the celebrities that swear by them. So when uber-star Gwyneth Paltrow discussed how her 3-week Clean detox diet created by Dr. Alejandro Junger, who has also authored a book by the same name, many of us put down our glasses of cayenne pepper, maple syrup and lemon water and listened.

A health devotee in addition to being a mother, wife, actress, and writer for her very own GOOP blog, Gwyneth used this 3-week detoxification to get rid of a few extra pounds and lighten up all around. After 21 days of sipping raw juices and gently noshing on watercress, miso soup and raspberry and rice milk smoothies, the Academy Award-winning actress professed to feeling “pure, happy and much lighter.” (more…)

Sweeten Up Your Day With the Health Benefits of Berries

bowl of raspberriesJuly is national berry month. This is the time to enjoy nature’s candy! They’re super-sweet this time of year. If you need a reason to love berries, I’ll give you three: berries are are portable, palate pleasing and packed with nutrition. What’s not to love? Even better, berries antioxidant power can help prevent disease.

Antioxidants protect our cells from oxidative damage and inflammation, and they have been linked to heart and brain health, supporting a healthy immune system and protection against certain cancers.

It’s easy to add in berries to healthy foods you already enjoy. Here’s a few ideas for bumping up your berry intake this month. (more…)

How to Make a Healthy Smoothie 101

Making your own smoothie is easy and you can create some delicious fruit combinations. Why not take a minute to whip up your own delicious and nutritious fruit smoothie? Watch this video to see my tips and tricks – why not grab a blender and join me?


Healthy Pregnancy Week

healthy pregnant womanThis week at the focus was on pregnancy. We wanted to give moms information about nutrition and fitness they can use before, during and after their pregnancy to ensure a healthy baby, and a healthy mommy. We invited a number of moms from around the blogosphere, as well as experts in the fields of fitness and nutrition, to share their tips, insights and guidance for achieving your healthiest pregnancy.

We also did not forget about the new dads, inviting a couple of fathers who’ve battled the “daddy baby bulge” to share their experiences and how they’re overcoming the sympathy weight they gained alongside their wives.

Here you’ll find each of the posts from our Healthy Pregnancy series. We thank each of the contributors who made this series possible, and hope you’ll find this to be valuable information.

Getting Ready to Shed that Baby Weight This mom-to-be talks about her successful weight loss, only to turn around and plan another pregnancy. Learn how she plans to take it right back off. Susan Wenner Jackson from Mr. and Mrs. Get Fit

5 Pregnancy Diet Tips from Jillian Michaels and 4 Pregnancy Fitness Tips from Jillian Michaels The no-nonsense Biggest Loser trainer breaks down pregnancy diet and fitness needs with simple and approachable ways.


5 Ways to Overcome Postpartum Depression

The week of July 20 is Healthy Pregnancy Week at

Yesterday, I shared some interesting research that suggests that Omega-3 fatty acids may be your best defense against Postpartum Depression (PPD). As someone who does not eat seafood, I am guessing there are others like me who would like more options for preventing and overcoming with baby

Exercise – Physical activity can play a big role in mental health and self-esteem. After pregnancy and childbirth, you may have difficulty recognizing your own body and may not like what you see. Most people suggest waiting six weeks after childbirth before starting exercise, and eight weeks if you had a cesarean section. If you are breastfeeding, you will likely feel more comfortable if you feed your baby before exercising. Exercise will help you lose the baby weight and feel more connected and in charge of your body. If you do not have someone to watch the baby while you are working out, find a gym with child care, workout at home during nap time, or take walks or runs with a stroller. (more…)