Diet and Nutrition

8 Tips for Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss from Moms

The week of July 20 is Healthy Pregnancy Week at

Rebecca is a stay-at-home mom to four little boys and is committed to fitness and health. She blogs at Life With Boys where she shares her experiences as a mom, and her journey toward weight loss and fitness.pregnancy weight

You’ve just had a baby and are in a hurry to lose the weight you gained while pregnant. Weight loss is challenging enough, and now it is compounded by exhaustion and excessive hunger. Don’t lose hope, here are tips from women who have been there and found a way to lose those extra pregnancy pounds.

  • The unanimous suggestion was drinking water. It helps with milk production if you are breastfeeding, and it will boost your metabolism and decrease your appetite. Drink a large glass with meals, and when you sit down to feed your baby.     (more…)

Be Grocery Shopping Savvy During Pregnancy

The week of July 20 is Healthy Pregnancy Week at

elizabeth rahaviElizabeth B. Rahavi, R.D. specializes in providing science-based communications about nutrition, health and wellness. She has extensive knowledge in consumer understanding of nutrition and food safety and serves as the Associate Director, Wellness at the International Food Information Council (IFIC). Elizabeth is also an avid runner, chef, and yogi, and lives with her husband in Washington, D.C.

During pregnancy, it’s hard to turn a corner without running into someone offering advice. While useful, advice can often fall short, particularly when it comes to health and nutrition. Expecting mothers often ask, “What do these nutrients mean and how do I include them in my diet?” “I hear that folic acid is important, but how do I get it?”  (more…)

Omega-3 Can Prevent or Treat Postpartum Depression

pregnancy vitamins

The week of July 20 is Healthy Pregnancy Week at

Postpartum depression (PPD) is different from the “baby blues” that effect up to 80% of women following childbirth. PPD is clinical depression, diagnosed using DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria and effects approximately 1 in 10 women following child birth. PPD may or may not include Postpartum Psychosis, made famous by Andrea Yates, or postpartum anxiety. If symptoms are interfering with your functioning or you believe you are experiencing any hallucinations, please seek the help of a mental health professional. Many people find it is helpful to talk to a caring counselor during any life transition. Other moms may prefer to use diet and exercise to help them overcome PPD. (more…)

New Mom Tips for Shedding the Baby Weight

The week of July 20 is Healthy Pregnancy Week at

Christina is a mom of two living in Columbus, OH. She recently finished nursing school and can be found blogging at A Mommy Story and Hot by BlogHer or on Twitter as @mommystory.christina

I’m one of the lucky women who didn’t gain a lot of weight when pregnant, but my luck ran out after each of my daughters was born. Blaming the stress of being a new mom for my weight gain might make me feel better, but the truth is I gained weight because I let myself overeat and didn’t exercise. I let breastfeeding be my excuse to eat without restriction, and I strongly believed the mantra “sleep when the baby sleeps.” I put on more weight in the first year of both my children’s lives than I did while pregnant with them. (more…)

Dads, Battle the Baby Bulge During Your Partner’s Pregnancy

The week of July 20 is Healthy Pregnancy Week at

twin babiesDr. Clint Springer is the father of twin four-year old boys and is currently expecting a daughter in the fall. He is also an Assistant Professor of Biology at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, PA where he studies the effects of climate change on plants.

Pregnancy not only means changes with your partner’s body, but if you are not careful it may mean some for dad, too. It happened to me when my wife was pregnant for our twins. Prior to the pregnancy I was not in prime shape, I had just completed a doctoral program and made a major life transition from graduate school to my first position that moved us half way across the country. However, after the pregnancy I was thirty pounds heavier than before. I was astounded, I had no idea I was gaining weight between the stresses of a new job and the preparations for the twins’ arrival.  (more…)

Obesity Increases Chances of Infertility

budgeting for infertility

The week of July 20 is Healthy Pregnancy Week at

Evelina Sterling, PhD is the CEO and co-founder of My Fertility Plan, an innovative consulting firm dedicated to providing patients with the information and tools they need to take control of their fertility. She is also the co-author of several best-selling and award-winning consumer health books focusing on reproductive health, including Budgeting for Infertility: How to Bring Home a Baby without Breaking the Bank, Having Your Baby through Egg Donation, and Living with PCOS.

One of the biggest barriers to getting pregnant is weight. While obesity is a known risk factor for ovulation problems, new research is shedding light that weight issues actually contribute to a variety of infertility issues in both men and women. (more…)

How to Choose Healthy Eats and Drinks at a Coffee House

Don’t you just love coffee shops? Whether it’s the comfy couches, mellow tunes, or free wi-fi that reels you in, you’re bound to stick around for a while and grab a little nosh. Since coffee shops serve way more than coffee these days, it helps to have a little know-how to help you stay on track with your diet.

Check out my video for coffee house healthy eating tips. It’s sure to “charge up” your next visit.


What Pregnant Moms Need to Know About Gestational Diabetes

jill knapp

The week of July 20 is Healthy Pregnancy Week at

Joining us as guest blogger is Jill Knapp. Jill is from Idaho, where she lost 100 pounds after being diagnosed with gestational diabetes while pregnant. Today, she manages her diabetes with diet and exercise and without medication. Jill’s goal is to keep generating awareness about Type 2 diabetes and encouraging others to “Get Up and Get Moving.” She competed in the Mrs. Idaho pageant, made the top 5 and the reason she competed was to continue spreading her message.

Gestational diabetes affects about 4% or all pregnant women. The cause of gestational diabetes is unknown all though there are some clues.

Gestational diabetes starts when your body is not able to make and use all the insulin it needs for pregnancy. Without enough insulin, glucose cannot leave the blood and be changed in to energy. (more…)

5 Pregnancy Diet Tips from Jillian Michaels

The week of July 20 is Healthy Pregnancy Week at

jillian michaelsYou know Jillian Michaels best as the no-nonsense trainer from NBC’s Biggest Loser. She’s also grown a fitness empire of her own and through that has been able to help men and women alike transform their bodies and regain the healthy lives they deserve to live. Jillian also joins our healthy pregnancy week to share tips for how moms-to-be can stay healthy.

Here are Jillian’s tips for eating a healthy diet while pregnant:

1. Do NOT eat for two!!! You won’t need to lose baby weight if you don’t gain it. It takes about 55,000 calories to make a baby.  This breaks down to about 200-300 extra calories a day. So make sure to eat the equivalent of your Active Metabolic Rate (you can figure this out with an AMR calculator on Google) and the add 200 or so extra calories on top of it. (more…)

Getting Ready to Shed That Baby Weight

mrs get fit

The week of July 20 is Healthy Pregnancy Week at

Guest blogger Susan Wenner Jackson is a writer, mom and weight loser who resides in Cincinnati, Ohio. She blogs with her husband about their ongoing journey from fat to fit at She also shares her experiences as a parent at with three other working moms.

Pregnancy can really put a damper on weight loss momentum. I should know, because late last year, I got myself in the family way after having successfully lost 60 pounds. What was I thinking?! That’s what I’m asking myself now, just days away from giving birth. I’m going to have to re-lose a lot of those pounds and then some. (more…)

Meet “The 650 Pound Virgin” on TLC

David Smith may have an ordinary name, but his story is quite extraordinary. This has to be the most amazing transformation I’ve ever seen.david smith 650 pound virgin

David, 32, once weighed 650 pounds. He was suicidal and lonely. But somehow, he found the will to take back his life, and lost an amazing 400 pounds in only 26 months. And he did it without surgery! If that’s not enough, he’s now a certified personal trainer.

Smith’s story was documented by TLC and aired as a special titled “The 650-pound Virgin” on July 12. He looks to his past as if it was someone else. (more…)